2000 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
A Western Perspective on Traditional Chinese Herbs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. The Western energetic system of herbal prescribing and plant classificat..
An American Extra Pharmacopoeia: Medicinal Uses of Common Noxious Weeds
Speaker: David Winston. The inclusion of unused but effective indigenous and introduced species..
Antiviral Plants Indigenous to North America
Speaker: Michael Moore. Includes a description of the actions of Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha f..
Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera): Adaptogen and Immunomodulator
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. Energetics, constituents, actions and indications for ashwagandha are d..
Botanical Interventions for Hyperreactive Immune Systems
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Discussion of the complement cascade and its function in immunity: ..
Botanical Management of Interstitial Cystitis
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. Symptomology and theories of causation are discussed. Materia medic..
Botanical Therapies which Mitigate Cellular Damage from Chemotherapy and Radiation
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The mental and emotional aspects of cancer are evaluated. ..
Botanical Treatment for Today's Infectious Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Anti-viral herbs for influenza including herbs for children and botanic..
Botanical Treatment of Inflammatory Conditions of the GI Tract
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Discussion of precipitating factors, the "leaky gut connection," ..
Botanicals for Thyroid Function and Dysfunction
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Theories which explain the explosion of thyroid dysfunction in today's soci..
Botanicals Which Modulate the Stress (HPA) Axis
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. Therapies for today's high stress environment include the plant adaptog..
Detoxification with Botanicals: A Systems Approach
Speaker: Dana Myatt. This lecture discusses the detoxification systems of the body: lungs, skin..
Herbal Resources on the Internet
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Includes Paul Bergner's quick guide to MEDLINE searching. Other si..
Herbal Support in the Treatment of Joint Pain and Inflammation
Speaker: Deborah Frances (ND, RN). This lecture focuses on herbs used to treat chronic arthriti..
Herbal Teas: Creating Effective Formulas
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. The art of tea making is described. This presentat..
Herbs and Men's Health
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Herbal therapies and a healthy lifestyle can restore health. Includes..
Herbs for Supporting Musculoskeletal Health
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Muscle relaxants such as valerian, hops and skullcap; anti-spasmodics..
Immunomodulatory Botanicals as Adjuvant Therapies for Cancer
Speaker:Kevin Spelman. Relief from negative side effects of chemotherapy and radiation with her..
Indigenous Herbal Antioxidants
Speaker: Michael Moore. North American antioxidant herbs are described, including yarrow, astra..
Modern Correlates to Ancient Egyptian Herbal Medicine
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Herbs used in ancient Egypt included: sweet flag, onions, garlic, b..
Osteoporosis- Latest Research on Botanical and Nutritional Therapies
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. Includes an assessment of the risk factors for osteoporosis. ..
Panel Discussion: Management of Hepatitis C with Botanical Therapies
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Frances, David Winston and Jillian Stansbu..
Skin Rejuvenation with Natural Cosmetics
Speaker: Dana Myatt. Systemic considerations in skin health include therapies for GI, liver and..
Topical and Systemic Uses of Lobelia
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. All aspects of lobelia are discussed: constituents, parts use..
Treatment of Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) with Traditional Chinese Herbal Medicine
Speaker: Yong Deng. The classical Chinese therapeutic approach to this condition. Pattern..
Understanding Metabolic Syndrome X (Hyperinsulinemia): Botanical and Natural Therapies
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Clinical manifestations of syndrome X are described, as well as th..
Withdrawal from Steroids in Patients with Asthma and Skin & Bowel Inflammation- Botanical Alternatives
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. Types of immune reactions which lead to the inflammatory response a..
2000 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2000 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book. Order download of PDF f..
2000 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine MP3 recordings includes these titles (each ab..