2002 Medicines from the Earth Conference
Alternative Aspects in the Treatment of ADHD
Speaker: Mary Bove. The discussion includes nutritional and dietary recommendations, botanical ..
Appalachian Herbs
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. A slide show and talk on the herbs used for centuries in the ..
Botanical COX-2 Inhibitors
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. The nature and function of cyclooxygenase-1 and 2 in inflammation i..
Botanical Influences on Estrogen Metabolism
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. A discussion of the effects of soy isoflavones, flax, turmeric, gree..
Botanical Medicines that May Reduce or Eliminate Antibiotic and Chemotherapy Resistance
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Discusses herbs and supplements that may help to reduced antibiotic and chemo..
Botanical Therapies for Adrenal and Thyroid Deficiencies
Speaker: Donald Yance. Adrenal exhaustion can often lead to hypothyroidism. Botanical, nu..
Botanical Therapies for Skin Disease
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Protocols for common skin complaints: atopic skin disease, eczema, psorias..
Case Studies on Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: Mary Bove. These case studies on depression and anxiety describe lab tests to determine pot..
Depression; Women's Health
Speaker: Kerry Bone. A discussion of recent clinical research and practice. Topics includ..
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 1
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Explores the mechanisms of action, dose, application and contr..
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 2
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Continuing from Part 1, this presentation explores the mechani..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 1
Speaker: David Winston. A presentation of models for immune function and herbal therapies..
Differentiation of Herbal Immune Therapies, Part 2
Speaker: David Winston. A continuing from Part 1, this presentation discusses models for ..
Dr. Mitchell's Favorite Herbs in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Favorite herbs include Peumus boldo, Euonymous, Filipendula, Rauwo..
Food as Medicine
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera and Chef Joseph Forest. A demonstration of cooking with herbs f..
Herbal Skin Care
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Class participation in the preparation and application of was..
Herbs and the Kidney: Prospects and Cautions
Speaker: Simon Mills. A review of the impact of plant constituents on the kidney, including pos..
Intensive: Herbs for Autoimmune Disease, Part 1
Speaker: Kerry Bone. Part 1 describes the development of a treatment protocol that revitalizes ..
Intensive: Herbs for Autoimmune Disease, Part 2
Speaker: Kerry Bone. Continued from Part 1, this presentation describes the development of a tr..
Kava Hepatotoxicity Update
Speaker: Roy Upton. Interpretation of the current controversy and the development of appropriat..
Keynote: The Integration of Botanical Medicine into Mainstream Medical Practice
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. The integration of botanical medicine into mainstream medical practice fr..
Managing Arthritis with Herbal Therapies
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Describes the treatment of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis,..
Materia Medica: Latest Research on Black Cohosh, Dong Quai and Garlic
Speaker: Roy Upton. Topics include: the estrogen-like effects of black cohosh; the use of dong ..
New Developments in the Management of Pain
Speaker: Kerry Bone. A discussion of recent clinical research and practice. Topics includ..
Novel Herbal and Other Natural Therapies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Kitchen medicine, folk medicine and anecdotal information collecte..
Panel Discussion: Overcoming Nervous Unrest & Sleep Disorders with Herbal Therapies
Panelists: Kerry Bone, Simon Mills, David Winston and Aviva Romm. Underlying causes of sleep disorde..
Panel: Botanical and Natural Therapies for Weight Management
Panelists: Roy Upton, Donald Yance and Mary Bove, ND. The effects on the physiology of starvat..
Panel: Favorite Adaptogens for Maintaining Health
Panelists: Cascade Anderson Geller, Bill Mitchell, ND and Chanchal Cabrera. Eleutherococcus, ashwaga..
Research Review of the Effectiveness of Whole Plants vs. Isolated Constituents
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Whole plant extracts of Glycyrrhiza, Mahonia, ginger, Hypericum an..
Safe use of Herbs in Pregnancy
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Presents clinical and research evidence supporting the choice of herbs for..
Scottish Folk Healing
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Healing herbs, stones and water which have been used for centuries i..
Shamanism: The Historical Perspective
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A look at archetypal ceremonies, the early use of ceremonial herbs and ..
Shisandra: A Review of Adaptogenic and Antihepatotoxic Activities
Speaker: Roy Upton. An in-depth look at the pharmacology, clinical studies and safety of schisa..
Therapeutic Uses of Andrographis
Speaker: Mary Bove. Describes research on the effects of Andrographis on immunity, and clinical..
Traditional Uses of Herbal Medicine: How to Extract a Rigorous Evidence Base
Speaker: Simon Mills. Traditional use reports may be poor predictors of herb efficacy. A ..
Update on the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance. The latest developments in assessing cardiovascular risk factors and tar..
Urinary Tract Cancers: A Review of Three Cases
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. This presentation includes a case review of the pathology, symp..
2002 Medicines from the Earth: Symposium Book Download (PDF)
2002 Medicines from the Earth Symposium: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on t..
2002 Medicines from the Earth Symposium: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..