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  • Allergies and Asthma Audio Series

Discount package: One-click orders six recordings (1.5 hours long) plus 66-page PDF of digital notes.  Together these provide in-depth information for clinicians on management of patients with hyperreactive immune responses resulting in allergies, asthma and other conditions, both in children and adults.

  • Paul Bergner provides a complete materia medica with formulas for dealing with allergies and describes methods of pinpointing food allergens in a patient’s diet.
  • Jillian Stansbury, ND describes the atopic reactions underlying allergies and asthma and includes a detailed description of how to wean patients from long-term use of steroids (caution–for practitioners only).
  • Mary Bove, ND draws on her lifelong experience working with the atopic child, especially children with asthma, and presents case studies for illustration.
  • Jillian Stansbury’s lecture on gut permeability is included here to highlight the importance of repairing damaged intestinal walls and maintaining gut integrity for reducing immune hyperactivity.
  • Kenneth Proefrock, NMD describes the development of hyperreactivity leading to asthma and ways to normalize the membranes of the respiratory system to restore health. His therapies are, as usual, creative and unique and are based on years of experience treating this condition. (For clinicians only.)
  • And finally, we present a comprehensive lecture by renowned Australian medical herbalist Kerry Bone on herbs for asthma.

This series includes these recordings (can also order individual recordings): 

Note: As you can see from the catalog numbers below, this series has been taken from past conference recordings (19SW06 = 2019 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine, etc). If you are a regular on our site you may have purchased all or part of this series already. You can search your download library for the catalog numbers to check.

Price for six recordings and digital lecture notes: $55 ($75 value--see book outline below)

Naturopathic CE: If CME has not previously been earned for the lectures listed above, you can earn 7 general + 2 pharmacy CME hours. Approved by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM).

Read more details about Allergies and Asthma Audio Series.

NOTE: The information on this site is provided as a research resource for health professionals and is not intended to replace diagnosis and treatment by a qualified health care practitioner.


Allergies and Asthma Audio Series (PDF) 66-pages.
Included with the six recordings in the series.


Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist

Allergies: Herbal Treatment and Formulas
Kerry Bone, MSc, Medical Herbalist

Phytotherapy for Asthma
Mary Bove, ND

Natural Medicine for Childhood Asthma
Kenneth Proefrock, NMD

Botanicals for Asthma: Weaning Patients from Pharmaceuticals
Jillian Stansbury, ND

Atopic Phenomena: Allergies, Asthma and Eczema

Rebuilding Damaged Intestinal Walls and Treating Gut Permeability with Botanical Medicines
Media MP3 Audio

Allergies and Asthma Audio Series

  • $55.00

This product has a maximum quantity of 1

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