Panelists: Robert Rountree, David Winston and Donald Yance. Robert Rountree begins the panel by talking about the 20:1 white willow bark extract he has found to be very effective for chronic pain. This leads to a discussion of proprietary product issues with other herb companies, which in turn leads to a response by David Winston on the medicalization of herbal practice and how many students are yearning for a holistic and traditional approach. Briefly noted and critiqued is the "new research" showing toxic potential of black cohosh. Donald Yance notes that many of the "new discoveries" in herbal medicine are actually actions and therapeutic uses that have been around for hundreds of years. These studies include green tea for cognitive impairment, turmeric for diabetes and holy basil for stress. He also pointed out the prevalence of negative media coverage for many herbal medicines and wonders why the positive studies recently on echinacea, black cohosh and others have not received more media coverage. He goes on to describe an exciting new field in herbal medicine: enhancing the effects of chemotherapeutic drugs so dosages of the drugs can be smaller and less toxic. David Winston rounds out the presentation with details on the uses of nettle seed, mimosa and Albizzia.
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Panel: New Discoveries and Techniques in Herbal Medicine
- Event: 2004 Medicines from the Earth
- Product Code: 04ME37
- Availability: 1000
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