2004 Oregon Herb Conference

Date: 5/1/2004 - 5/2/2004
Presented in October, 2004 at Buckhorn Springs Resort in Ashland, Oregon. Topics include the HPA Axis and endocrine health, herbs and diet for detoxification, adrenal adaptogens, and principles of herb-drug interactions. Fourteen presentations by seven experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listing on this page).
Printed book of lecture notes available by special order. Contact us for information.
Adrenal Adaptogens
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Adaptogens allow the body to maintain optimum functioning during stressful..
Botanical Therapies for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. This talk presents therapies for several uterine bleeding conditions. ..
Clinical Examples of Herb-Drug Interactions
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Covers many points of theoretical and clinically significant herb d..
Heart's Ease: Botanicals for Cardiovascular Conditions
Speaker: Jonathan TreasureJonathan Treasure. Herbs for the prevention and treatment of stroke, arter..
Herbs and Diet for Detoxification
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Liver functioning in detoxification and elimination is outlined in the fi..
Integrative Management of Pain and Inflammation
Speaker: Howard Morningstar. The introduction to this lecture includes an examination of pathways of..
Natural Alternatives to Hormone Replacement Therapy
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. This comprehensive presentation begins with a description of the difference..
Natural Medicine for Ovarian Cysts
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. This talk begins by presenting botanical therapies for amenorrhea (a..
Panel: Synergistic, Biphasic and Adverse Actions in Herbal Formulas
Panelists: Chanchal Cabrera, Jill Stansbury and Jonathan Treasure. This panel presents the prin..
Principles of Herb-Drug Interactions: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Principles of interaction are presented by one of the US experts in..
The Biphasic Effect of Herbs
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The principle that some substances have opposite effects in small dose..
The HPA Axis and the Neuroendocrine System- Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Donald Yance. Begins by introducing the idea of stress vs adaptation, and describes th..
Thyroid Deficiency: An Integrative Approach
Speaker: Donald Yance. Thyroid hormone plays a pivotal role in brain function, protein synthesi..
Women Spirit: Preventive Health and Formulas for Common Conditions
Speaker: Jane Bothwell. Women can take charge of their own health care. Empowering women with h..
2004 Oregon Herb Conference: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2004 Oregon Herb Conference: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on this page. ..
2004 Oregon Herb Conference: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Oregon Herb Conference MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long; ..