2005 Medicines from the Earth

Date: 6/4/2005 - 6/6/2005
Topics included, secretory IgA, Ayurvedic classification of western Herbs, reproductive health, therapies for fever, and more. Thirty-eight presentations by seventeen experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
Printed book of lecture notes available by special order. Contact us for information.
A Novel Approach to Cancer, Pt. 1: Targeting Pathways of Angiogenesis
Speaker: Donald Yance. Three important aspects of cancer therapy will be discussed: the inhibit..
A Novel Approach to Cancer, Pt. 2: Targeting Pathways of Angiogenesis
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continued from Part 1, Research is expanding that links cancer to inflammator..
A Walk through the Medicinal Plant Garden at IxChel Farm in Belize, Pt. 1
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Walk the medicine trail in slides and discover the herbs used in Maya H..
A Walk through the Medicinal Plant Garden at IxChel Farm in Belize, Pt. 2
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Continued from Part 1. Walk the medicine trail in slides and discover t..
Ayurvedic Classification of Western Herbs
Speaker: John Douillard. Learn to prescribe herbs based on their dosha: vata, pitta and kapha. ..
Botanical for Osteopenia - A Reversible Risk Factor for Osteoporosis
Speaker: Mary Bove. Osteopenia is a changeable bone condition. Natural therapies applied in tim..
Botanical Therapies for Febrile Illness
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Includes the pathophysiology of fever, signs of dangerously high fever..
Botanical Therapies for the Adrenal/Thyroid/Gonad Triad
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Specific topics include: differential diagnosis and therapies for adre..
Botanicals for Childhood Obesity
Speaker: Mary Bove. Topics include environmental toxins, endocrine insult, diet and emotional i..
Botanicals for Minimizing Secretory Infections in Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical therapies for infections of the ear, the upper respiratory and ur..
Cardiovascular Herbal Protocols
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Case studies of weaning patients from anti-hypertensive drugs, managin..
Case Studies in Clinical Herbalism
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Review of three cases: osteoarthritis and hip replacement: asthma an..
Chemically Defined Preparations of Echinacea in Prevention and Treatment of the Common Cold
Speaker: David Gangemi. This presentation will focus on the results of an NIH funded human clin..
Cholesterol, Statins and the Truth about Cardiovascular Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance. Dispels popular myths and provides updates on many biological markers im..
Environmental Origins of Thyroid Dysfunction: Human Sourced Hazards
Speaker: Ryan Drum. The thyroid gland is particularly susceptible to unforeseen hazards includi..
Ethnobotany of the Cherokee
Speaker: David Winston. Plants, water, fire and air: a Cherokee view of the world includes stories t..
Herbal and Natural Approaches to Syndrome X
Speaker:Jill Stansbury. Syndrome X is a state of insulin resistance that can induce hypertension, ..
Herbal Approaches to Autoimmune Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion includes immune amphoterics, alteratives, anti-inflammatories, an..
Herbal Remedies for the Musculoskeletal System, Pt. 1
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. This class presents herbs, compound remedies and lifestyle actions..
Herbal Remedies for the Musculoskeletal System, Pt. 2
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Continued from Part 1. This class presents herbs, compound remedie..
Intensive: Clinical Ayurveda and Pulse Diagnosis, Pt. 1
Speaker: John Douillard. Discusses the patterns of imbalance that cause disease and the Ayurvedic pa..
Intensive: Clinical Ayurveda and Pulse Diagnosis, Pt. 2
Speaker: John Douillard. Continued from Part 1. Discusses the patterns of imbalance that cause disea..
Intensive: Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage, Pt 1
Speaker: John Douillard. Ayurvedic massage treats the subtle body system and the physical to pave th..
Intensive: Encyclopedia of Ayurvedic Massage, Pt 2
Speaker: John Douillard. Continued from Part 1. Ayurvedic massage treats the subtle body system and ..
Intensive: Pain Management with Herbal Medicine, Pt. 1
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Treatment strategies are presented for pain caused by injury, over-stimul..
Intensive: Pain Management with Herbal Medicine, Pt. 2
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Continued from Part 1. Treatment strategies are presented for pain caused..
Interactions and Contraindications Update: 2005
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. Reviews the scientific literature on herbs to determine what warnings may ..
Keynote Session: Success, Setback and Surprise in the Clinic Panel
Keynote Session: Rosita Arvigo, Ryan Drum and Cascade Anderson Geller. Expect the unexpected in..
Medicinal Elixirs and Cordials
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Learn to prepare herbal tonics for many of the body's systems in sweet, s..
Natural Therapies for Early Alzheimers Disease
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Therapies include the herbs bacopa, Vinca minor, rosemary, ginkgo, Cr..
Naturally Occurring Environmental Causes of Thyroid Disease
Speaker: Ryan Drum. The thyroid gland is particularly susceptible to unforeseen hazards includi..
Panel: Herbal Alternatives to Pharmaceutical COX-2 Inhibitors
Panelist: Chanchal Cabrera, John Douillard, DC and Donald Yance. As the medical community becom..
Recent Research on Herbs for Obesity and Weight Loss
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. This presentation reviews the research on the leading natural ingredi..
Reclaiming Our Reproductive Wisdom
Speaker: Randine Lewis. Addresses infertility and other reproductive disorders (including high ..
Therapeutic Uses of Resins
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Medicinal uses of Boswellia, guggul, lignum vitae, sweetgum, tolu ba..
Three Herbs: Nettles, Horsetail and Mullein
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Overview with brief case histories, probable therapeutic mechanisms and spe..
Traditional Root Tonics from World Cultures
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Roots have special significance in herbal traditions througho..
Womens Health the Maya Way - Benefits of Uterine Massage and Herbs
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Presents the anatomical structures that support the uterus and the prin..
2005 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2005 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on this page. ..
2005 Medicines from the Earth: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..