2007 Medicines from the Earth

Date: 6/1/2007 - 6/4/2007
Lectures on botanicals childhood metabolic syndrome, reversing chronic neurological disorders, and treatment of acute psychosis. Forty-seven presentations by twenty-two experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
Printed book of lecture notes available by special order. Contact us for information.
Adaptogens - Herbs for Strength, Stamina and Stress Relief
Speaker: David Winston. Much of the information about adaptogenic herbs has come from company market..
An Herbal Guide to Sexual Health
Speaker: David Winston. Herbal treatments for anorgasmia, premature ejaculation, erectile dysfu..
Artemisinin and Molecular Multi-tasking
Speaker:Johnathan Treasure. The sesquiterpene lactone artemisinin (ART) found in Artemisia annu..
Ayurvedic Kitchen Remedies 2007
Speaker: Dharmendra Dube. Learn how to restore and maintain health with simple preparations tha..
Ayurvedic Treatment of Infertility & Menopause
Speaker: Sumita Prajapati. Pulse diagnosis reveals the underlying causes of these conditions an..
Balancing the Physiology: An Ayurvedic Approach for Women
Speaker: Sumita Prajapati. The principles of Ayurveda are used to balance the physiology of wom..
Botanical Medicine for Infants and Toddlers
Speaker: Mary Bove. The role of herbal medicine in supporting the immune system, digestion and ..
Botanicals and Conventional Cancer Treatments
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Mainstream oncology actively discourages the use of herbs during co..
Botanicals for Insomnia and Sleep Disorders
Speaker: David Winston. Discussion of restless leg syndrome, night terrors, menopausal insomnia..
Botanicals for Vascular Inflammation
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. A discussion of the inflammatory processes contributing to arterioscle..
Botanicals, the Endocrine System and Aging
Speaker: Donald Yance. Presents a variety of botanical agents for enhancing and normalizing lev..
Cannabis as Medicine
Speaker: David Hoffmann. A review of the newly discovered endocannabinoid system, its pharmacol..
Childhood Metabolic Disorders
Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion includes therapies for childhood obesity, hypoglycemia, hypergyc..
Chronic Neurological Disorders & Toxins
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Damage to the brain and nervous system occurs from toxins which cause..
Clearance of Heavy Metals from the Brain
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Lead and mercury are ubiquitous and profoundly toxic. A literature re..
Common But Less Used Plants
Speaker: 7Song. This lecture highlights eastern plants that are uncommonly used, or less common..
Diagnosis and Treatment of Shen Disorders with Chinese Herbs
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Shen corresponds to our psychological and spiritual being, and when it..
Dopamine and the Female Endocrine System
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Herbs discussed include Vitex, Cimicifuga, Melissa, Lithosperma, Leonu..
Environmental Chemicals and Childhood Disorders
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Research is presented which connects childhood brain cancers, autism,..
Herbal Medicines for Treating Headaches
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. A discussion of symptoms and danger signs, causes and herbal treatments. ..
Integrating Ayurveda into Clinical Practice
Speaker: Dharmendra Dube. Learn to use the principles of this ancient system of medicine to improve ..
Integrative Treatments for Skin Disease
Speaker: Michael Tierra. Diagnostic methods are discussed for determining the underlying causes of c..
Intensive: Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Part 1
Panelists: Dharmendra Dube and Sumita Prajapati explain the intricacies of Ayurvedic pulse..
Intensive: Ayurvedic Pulse Diagnosis, Part 2
Panelists Dharmendra Dube and Sumita Prajapati continue discussion from Part 1..
Intensive: Herbal Approaches: Prostate Cancer Pt. 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. An in-depth overview of the etiology of prostate cancer includes differentiat..
Intensive: Herbal Approaches: Prostate Cancer Pt. 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continued from Part 1. An in-depth overview of the etiology of prostate cance..
Intensive: Herbs for Respiratory Care Pt. 1
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Begins with a discussion of the basic constituent groups and their..
Intensive: Herbs for Respiratory Care Pt. 2
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Continued from Part 1 this lecture begins with a discussion of the..
Intensive: Managing Breast Cancer & Estrogen Pt. 1
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Learn specific therapies for managing breast cancer, interpreting blood t..
Intensive: Managing Breast Cancer & Estrogen Pt. 2
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Continued from Part 1. Learn specific therapies for managing breast cance..
Intensive: TCM Diagnosis for Herbalists Pt. 1
Speaker: Roy Upton. Differential diagnosis in TCM includes observation of the physical signs of Qi, ..
Intensive: TCM Diagnosis for Herbalists Pt. 2
Speaker: Roy Upton. Continued from Part 1. Differential diagnosis in TCM includes observation of the..
Lotions and Potions (Demonstration)
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Demonstration class for creating medicinal salves and tonics in your kitc..
Managing Interstitial Cystitis with Botanicals
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Current research on causes of IC includes auto-inflammatory contributors an..
Natural Therapies for Parkinsons Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance. Botanical, nutritional and dietary therapies are discussed that treat th..
Panel: Children & Womens Health
Panelists: Roy Upton, Michael Tierra, Dharmananda Dube and Sumita Prajapati (Ayurvedic Va..
Panel: Reducing Breast Cancer Risk in a Toxic World
Panelists: Mary Bove, ND, Deborah Frances, ND and Chanchal Cabrera. Discusses protection from e..
Phlegm: A Complication of Chronic Disease
Speaker: Michael Tierra. The traditional Chinese diagnostic model offers herbal remedies to cle..
Poppies: The Papaveraceae Family
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Review the botany and materia medica of this fascinating family and ..
Prevention and Treatment of Kidney Stones
Speaker: Roy Upton. A discussion of the causes of different types of kidney stones, dietary con..
The Art and Craft of Natural Topical Remedies
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. A demonstration class- making poultices, fomentations, packs,..
The Salvia Genus and its Central Nervous System Effects
Speaker: David Hoffmann. Describes the anxiolytic properties of the sages, their stimulant effe..
The Treatment of Acute & Chronic Psychosis
Speaker: Deborah Frances. The role of plants in the treatment of schizophrenia and bipolar diso..
Therapeutic Uses of Ceanothus Spp
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Treating pelvic congestion, premenstrual breast tenderness, capillary..
Thyroid Disorders: A Link to Metabolic and Emotional Conditions
Speaker: Mary Bove. Thyroid physiology, pathology and thyroid hormone metabolism are all an int..
Treating Rhinovirus
Speaker: Omar Cruz. Discussion includes an overview of recent research on the common cold, and ..
Treatment of ADD/ADHD using Traditional Chinese Principles
Speaker: Roy Upton. Presents nutritional, lifestyle, and traditional Chinese herbal protocols f..
2007 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2007 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on this page. ..
2007 Medicines from the Earth: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..