2008 Medicines from the Earth

Date: 5/30/2008 - 6/2/2008
Lectures on botanicals insulin resistance syndrome, cervical dysplasia, treatment of pulmonary disorders, congestive and heart failure. Thirty-nine presentations by seventeen experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
Printed book of lecture notes available by special order. Contact us for information.
Avoiding Angioplasty and Bypass Naturally
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Surgery can be avoided in many cases by increasing circulation to the he..
Botanical Agents to Reduce our Toxic Burden
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. New research has revealed that some plant based agents can be very be..
Botanical Compounds for Vascular Disease
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The latest research on plant constituents that act as platelet antiagg..
Botanical Interventions in Mental Illness
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Presents a fundamental understanding of neurotransmitters and their..
Botanical Medicine & Endocrine Disorders
Speaker: Omar Cruz. A review of plant medicines for thyroid dysfunction, adrenal disorders and ..
Botanical Therapies for Joint Pain
Speaker: Amanda-McQuade Crawford. Botanical and other natural therapies can allow patients to r..
Botanicals for Eye Disorders: Cataracts, Glaucoma & Allergy
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Botanicals and dietary supplements include mixed carotenoids, Vitam..
Botanicals for Sleep Debt and Chronic Disease
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Covers the endocrine pathophysiology of sleep debt, and lifestyle counse..
Case Studies in Vitalist Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Cases presented include: dietary and botanical treatments to restore nor..
Countering Toxic Assault on our Mitochondria
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. At least 80% of the persistent chemicals we carry in our bodies are t..
Epigenetics and Transgenerational Herbalism
Speaker: Ryan Drum. The emerging science of epigenetics studies how acquired physiological traits ma..
Fatty Acids and Oils in Herbs and Seeds
Speaker: Lisa Ganora. Botanical occurrence, metabolism, bioavailability, and benefits of important l..
Herbal Constituents: Synergy and Variability
Speaker: Lisa Ganora. How individual constituents work together, and the significance and sources of..
Herbal Therapeutics 1: Nervines/ Antispasmodics
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Part 1 of the herbal therapeutics series, this lecture describes t..
Herbal Therapeutics 2: Diuretics & Diaphoretics
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Balancing disinfecting and soothing diuretics, using diuretics for..
Herbal Therapeutics 3: The Alterative Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. By stimulating the major organs of elimination, alterative herbs create an i..
Herbal Therapeutics 4: Tonics and Bitters
Speaker: Mary Bove. This class of herbal medicines has wide therapeutic use in clinical practice. Cl..
Herbal Therapeutics 5: Adaptogens
Speaker: David Winston. How adaptogens work to normalize the body and restore health. Includes speci..
Herbs for Osteoporosis
Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal therapies for Osteoporosis to supplement the usual recommendations of lif..
Herbs for the Bath
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. From full to sitz bath, salts, fomentations, compresses, tooth pow..
Herbs for the Skin
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. A look at modern research and traditional plants for the skin, including Eq..
Herbs of Belize
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Research and folk uses of herbs such as strong back (Desmodium adscendens) f..
HPV, Cervical Dysplasia & Politics
Speaker: Mary Bove. In light of recent state mandates for HPV vaccine in preteen girls, this lecture..
Insulin Resistance: Natural Therapeutics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Agents used for increasing insulin sensitivity are preferred over those subst..
Intensive: Botanicals for Pulmonary Disorders-Asthma, Emphysema and Cancer, Pt 1
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Treatment of asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and lung cancer. Presents ..
Intensive: Botanicals for Pulmonary Disorders-Asthma, Emphysema and Cancer, Pt 2
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Continued from Part 1. Treatment of asthma, COPD, pulmonary fibrosis and..
Intensive: Uterine Health and Fertility Enhancement, Part 1
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Presents the Maya approach to herbs and massage for uterine health. A discus..
Intensive: Uterine Health and Fertility Enhancement, Part 2
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. Continued from Part 1. Presents the Maya approach to herbs and massage for u..
Medicinal Uses of the Apiaceae (Umbell) Fam.
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Hormonal and vascular research on the variety of coumarin compounds in this..
Medicine Hunt- The Search for Cures
Speaker: Chris Kilham. The majority of the world's population uses plants as primary medicines. Inve..
My Apprenticeship with a Maya Shaman
Speaker: Rosita Arvigo. This recording begins after the showing of a 25 minute video documentar..
Natural Medicine for Congestive Heart Failure
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Presents natural therapies, including astragalus and other herbs, for re..
Ovarian Cysts & Fibroids
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. This presentation discusses the classes of herbs most helpful..
Panel: Botanical Therapies for Pelvic Stagnation
Panelists: Mary Bove, ND, Cascade Anderson Geller and Paul Bergner. Pelvid stagnation refers to..
Panel: Herbs for Hypertension
Panelists: Decker Weiss, ND, Amanda McQuade Crawford, Kenneth Proefrock, ND and Jill Stansbury,..
Reversing Multiple Drug Resistance w. Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. With MDR occurring more frequently outside the hospital setting, it is ..
Seaweed Materia Medica Update
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Discussion includes the use of fucoidan from brown algae for wound and surg..
The Shaman's Pharmacy
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In South America the shaman plays a critical role in community, and is a..
Three Buds and a Leaf: Medicinal uses of Fig Leaves, Poplar and Grindelia Buds
Speaker: Ryan Drum. The unique botany and medicinal uses of these three plants include: topical..
2008 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2008 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on this page. ..
2008 Medicines from the Earth: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..