2011 Medicines from the Earth

Date: 6/3/2011 - 6/6/2011
Theme of this year's annual symposium: Herbal Therapeutics (organized by action; carminatives; antispasmodics. Forty-two presentations by nineteen experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
The printed book of lecture notes is available externally from Amazon.com.
A Critical Review of Recent Herbal Research
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. Presents the latest clinical research on some of the most popular her..
Adaptogens and Womens Health
Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion includes a description of the way adaptogens work. Discusses th..
Adulteration of Herbal Ingredients and Products
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. Common adulterants and how they can be avoided in bilberry extract, g..
Ayahuasca: Plant Spirit Medicine
Speaker: Chris Kilham. Delve deeply into the realm of ayahuasca, a sacred plant potion made from the..
Botanical and Other Therapies for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Discussion of the causes and the association of this syndrome with num..
Bringing Awareness to Chakras Using Flowers and Plant Medicine
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. This workshop offers an understanding of the chakra (human energy..
Case Studies in the Holistic Treatment of Cancer
Speaker: Donald Yance. Provides a holistic framework for the management of cancer through a ser..
Childrens Health:The Digestive/Immune Connections
Speaker: Mary Bove. A look at the role botanical medicines play in supporting healthy digestive..
Cordials and Elixirs
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Herbal elixirs concocted from tonic herbs, spices and fruits may inc..
Farm to Pharamacy and the Revival of Folk Medicine
Speaker: David Crow. Describes programs for bringing herbal medicine into home and community gardens..
Healing Properties of Helichrysum Essential Oil
Speaker: David Crow. An in-depth study of the most important essential oil species and its healing p..
Herbal Therapeutics 16: Aromatic and Carminative Herbs
Speaker: Mary Bove. Discusses the application of these herbs in supporting healthy digestive functio..
Herbal Therapeutics 17: Antitussives for Coughs
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Lobelia, Tussilago, Drosera and other herbs for a variety of coughs caused ..
Herbal Therapeutics 18: Antispasmodics
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Herbs, in the right dose and form, are important tools for pain ma..
High Flavonoid Herbs for the Cardiovascular System
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Hibiscus, Crataegus, Vaccinium, Punica and other richly pigmented plants ca..
Influenza: The Globe Trotting Virus
Speaker: Bevin Clare. Learn about the virus itself, its effect in the human body, and the strategies..
Intensive: Natural Therapies and the New Generation of Chemotherapeutic Drugs Pt 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Discussion includes genomic testing for target-specific chemotherapy: how to ..
Intensive: Natural Therapies and the New Generation of Chemotherapeutic Drugs Pt 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continued from Part 1. Discussion includes genomic testing for target-specifi..
Intensive: Perimenopause/Menopause Options Part 1
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Research on nutrient and botanical interventions, hormone therapies and how/wh..
Intensive: Perimenopause/Menopause Options Part 2
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Continued from Part 1. Research on nutrient and botanical interventions, hormo..
Keynote Address: Herbal Adventures
Panelists: Jim Duke and Mark Blumenthal. Ramble the virtual trails of Appalachia with Jim Duke,..
Malaria and Herbal Medicines
Speaker: Bevin Clare. The malaria protozoa is a master of immune evasion and adaptation, leading to ..
Medicinal Plants of Northern Asia
Speaker: Chris Kilham. From remote parts of northern China--the Tian Shan mountains to the Black Riv..
Medicinal Spices 2011
Speaker: Jim Duke. Open the kitchen spice cabinet and find out the incredible array of phytoche..
Musculoskeletal External Herbal Applications
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Treating sprains, strains and pains using plants and herbal remedies exte..
Panel: Backyard First Aid
Panelists: 7Song, Ryan Drum and Cascade Anderson Geller. Drawing on the expertise of three expe..
Panel: Herbal Therapies for Sleep Dysfunction
Panelists: Mary Bove, David Crow, Teresa Boardwine and David Winston. Addresses the inability t..
Phytoestrogens in the Green Farmacy Garden
Speaker: Jim Duke. Legumes, red clover and other phytoestrogens from Jim Duke's garden head the..
Poisonous Plants, Deadly Poisons
Speaker: Ryan Drum. An overview of the substances and mechanisms which make these plants poison..
Ritual Use of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Discusses the ritual and ceremonial use of plants from around the world..
Rural Pathology/Rural Therapies
Speaker: Ryan Drum. A community-supported herbalists case histories from a remote island commun..
Super Salves: Five Therapeutic Salve
Speaker: Ryan Drum. A set of easy-to-make salves and some discussion of non-herbal salve compon..
Supporting Patients with Crohns Diasease, IBS and Colitis
Speaker: Bevin Clare. A multi-level approach to support the client with inflammatory bowel dise..
The Healing Properties of Four Flowers
Speaker: David Crow. Discusses the various traditional and modern uses of ylang ylang, neroli,j..
The Seasons in the Green Farmacy Garden
Speaker: Helen Lowe Metzman. A photographic tour of Jim and Peggy Duke's Green Farmacy Garden i..
Therapeutic Uses of Highly Pigmented Plants
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. The richly pigmented plants yield constituents that are effec..
Treating Chronic Neck & Back Pain
Speaker: David Winston. Discusses the pros and cons of the western biomedical approach to back ..
Understanding TCM Concepts in a Modern Clinic Pt. 1
Speaker: Jason Miller. TCM concepts include Spleen Dampness, Liver Qi Stagnation and Kidney&nbs..
Understanding TCM Concepts in a Modern Clinic Pt. 2
Speaker: Jason Miller. Continued from Part 1, catalog number 11ME19...
Womens Health Botanical Update, 2011
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Highlights top botanical research related to gynecology and primary care ..
Womens Health: Migraines, Insomnia, Vaginitis
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Traditional and scientific evidence-based uses of natural medicines inclu..
Yarrow and Sunflower
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. Explore the integration of these two plants, blending the aspects..
2011 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2011 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file..
2011 Medicines from the Earth: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..