2013 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Date: 4/13/2013 - 4/13/2013
Theme of this year's annual conference: Botanical Therapies for Systemic Inflammation. Twenty-nine presentations by fourteen experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
The printed book of lecture notes is available externally from Amazon.com.
Back Pain: Herbs and Complementary Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. Begins with a discussion of the allopathic treatments for back pain. An..
Botanical Alternatives to Common Pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical and other naturopathic alternatives to pharmaceuticals for pain, ..
Botanicals for Chronic Viral Infections
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. A description of the intelligence of viruses in adapting to conditi..
Continuum of Herbal Dosing
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Examines the use of herbal medicines from homeopathic and drop doses t..
First Aid Materia Medica
Speaker: 7Song. A primer of common first aid conditions includes a materia medica of herbs to use fo..
Herbal and Nutritional Approaches to Cancer Treatment: A Work in Progress
Speaker: David Winston. A review of herbal and nutritional approaches to cancer includes prevention ..
Herbs and Immunosuppressive Drugs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Case studies illustrate herbal formulas useful in adjunctive therapy for orga..
Herbs for Autoimmune Disease and Allergies
Speaker: David Winston. A broad discussion of useful herbs in autoimmune diseases and allergies. Imm..
Hypertension: A Kidney Centered Approach
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Explores how the kidneys contribute to blood pressure regulation, how to choo..
Island Herbalist Case Studies Part 1
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Living on an island in Washington State far from medical help can make for some ..
Island Herbalist Case Studies Part 2
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Continued from Part 1: Catalog number 13SW26 ..
Medicinal Uses of the Solanaceae Family
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The Solanaceae (nightshade) family includes atropa belladonna, datura, brun..
Medicines from the Harvest
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. An exploration of the plants in the SCNM herb garden and how to harvest and ..
Mesquite Medicine
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Traditional uses of the widespread mesquite tree include the use of the see..
Natural Medicine for Childhood Asthma
Speaker: Mary Bove. Describes the atopic (allergic) child and how to control the cell-mediated ..
Natural Medicine for Kidney Conditions, Pt 1
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. The major causes of kidney disease are reviewed with relevant symptom pi..
Natural Medicine for Kidney Conditions, Pt 2
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Continued from Part 1: Catalog number 13SW01..
Naturopathic Considerations for Lung Cancer
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. A discussion of a five-pronged approach to patients with lung cance..
New Look at Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease
Speaker: Jason Miller. How aging, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction lead to Alzhei..
New Plants from the Rain Forest
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The richness of the Amazon rain forest comes to life in this review of..
Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease--NAFLD
Speaker: Mona Morstein. Diagnostic criteria, statistics, symptoms, labs for NAFLD are presented..
Osteoporosis: Prevention and Treatment
Speaker: Mary Bove. Prevention strategies include evaluation of diet, lifestyle, family history..
Oxidation, Antioxidants and Botanical Influences on the Redox System
Speaker: Jason Miller. A discussion of the physiology of the cellular respiration system: oxyge..
Panel: Botanical Therapies for Aging
Panelists: Jason Miller, Kenneth Proefrock and Mary Bove.: Jason Miller discusses the neurophysiolog..
Seaweed and Radiation Protection
Speaker: Ryan Drum. Discusses radiation exposure sources and pathologies, and the use of seawee..
Systemic Inflammation: Sources and Therapies
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Chronic inflammation underlies many of the common chronic conditions see..
The Liver, Eyes and Oxidative Damage
Speaker: Jason Miller. The TCM concept of Liver Stagnation describes the connection of the live..
Updates on Botanicals for Subclinical Hypothyroid
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This 2013 update on subclinical hypothyroid includes a thorough discussi..
Yerba Mansa: Flower Essence and Extract
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. Uses of yerba mansa as an extract for inflammation of the mucous ..
2013 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2013 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book.Order download of PDF file on this ..
2013 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine MP3 recordings includes these titles (ea..