2015 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

Date: 5/29/2015 - 5/30/2015
Theme of this year's annual symposium: New Research on Mental Health. Thirty-eighe presentations by twelve experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).The printed book of lecture notes is available externally from Amazon.com.
Amazonian Cosmetic Botanicals
Speaker: Chris Kilham. The chemical model appears to have failed the cosmetic world, and now na..
Ayurvedic Prevention and Treatment of Skin Disorders
Speaker: Shubhangee Satam. Proper sleep, healthy digestion and right lifestyle play an importan..
Berry Antioxidants and Their Role in Optimal Cognition
Speaker: Mimi Hernandez. Recent research has attributed improvement of memory in adults and enh..
Botanical and Complementary Therapies for Tick Borne Diseases: An Update
Speaker: David Winston. The history and current understanding of tick borne diseases such as Ly..
Botanical Influences on Neurotransmitters: How Neurotransmitters Affect Mood and Influence Hormones
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. This presentation explores the herbs that affect serotonin, GABA, acet..
Botanical Tools for Managing Panic Disorders
Speaker: Mary Bove. People of all ages suffer from acute and/or chronic panic. There are many i..
Botanical/Nutritional Protocols for Insomnia and Other Sleep Disorders
Speaker: David Winston. Research has clearly shown over the past thirty years that poor quality..
Developing Strategies for Managing Autism Spectrum Disorders
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. An in-depth look at some of the common strategies currently employe..
Early Childhood Development as a Basis for Mental Health
Speaker: Steven Johnson. In this course we review the neurological stages of development of the chil..
Endocannabinoid System and Common Plant Triggers
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. The endogenous cannabinoids are ubiquitous in mammalian physiology and affec..
Herbal Medicines and Psychopharmaceuticals: The Unsettled Mind in the Age of Anxiety
Speaker: Jerry Cott. We discuss the current use (and abuse) of psychiatric medications. How is it th..
Herbal Protocols for Addiction
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. This presentation describes herbs used to help in the process of weaning fr..
Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 1
Speaker: Mary Bove. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can bring a valuable herba..
Intensive: Taking Herbal Medicines Back to the Kitchen, Part 2
Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1. Herbal butters, vinegars, oils, syrups, and infusions can..
Keynote: Marvels and Mishaps on the Medicine Trail
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In this keynote address, Medicine Hunter Chris Kilham shares recent adventure..
Making Healthy Herbal Sodas
Speaker: Robin McGee. Learn how to create your own delicious herbal soft drinks, which are inexpensi..
Management of ADHD in Children Through Ayurveda
Speaker: Shubhangee Satam. The incidence of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is incre..
Mood Disorders: An Integrative Approach to Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Pharmaceuticals, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Part 1. Depression and anxiety are major public health problems and contribut..
Mood Disorders: An Integrative Approach to Reducing and Eliminating the Use of Pharmaceuticals, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Part 2. Depression and anxiety are major public health problems and contribut..
Naturopathic Approaches to the Treatment of Neurologic Trauma: From Traumatic Brain Injuries to Multiple Chemical Sensitivities
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Neurologic injury can be caused by concussion and cerebrovascular d..
Nutritional and Botanical Interventions for Mental Illness as a Consequence of Terminal Diagnosis
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. A terminal illness is a condition that is not expected to be cured ..
Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Brain Health: Building, Maintaining and Remodeling
Speaker: Jerry Cott. Long chain omega-3 fatty acids are essential for in utero formation of the..
Panel: New Clinical Discoveries in 2015
Panelists: Steven Johnson, Dr. Shubi, Jerry Cott and Kenneth Proefrock. Three different perspec..
Panel: Presenting a New Paradigm in Mental Health Care
Panelists: Cascade Anderson Geller, David Hoffmann, Jill Stansbury and Roy Upton. Explore the t..
Preparing a Practical Home Herbal First Aid Kit
Speaker: 7Song. The inimitable 7Song reviews all the important items in his (very large) first ..
Psychedelics and Mental Health Research
Speaker: Chris Kilham. Scientists are taking a new look at psychedelics for the treatment of a ..
Psychiatric/Soul Illness in Adults
Speaker: Steven Johnson. This talk builds on the early childhood talk but can be taken separat..
Stress, Cancer Risk and Morbidity: Herbs to Lift the Vital Spirit, Suppress Cancer and Reduce Recurrence and Metastasis, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. In Part 1: clinicians working with cancer and other chronic conditions r..
Stress, Cancer Risk and Morbidity: Herbs to Lift the Vital Spirit, Suppress Cancer and Reduce Recurrence and Metastasis, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continuing Part 1 the discussion of clinicians working with cancer and o..
Telomeres, Telomerase and How to Use Botanicals to Re-Ignite Your Stem Cells
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Cellular reproduction can continue indefinitely if telomere maintenan..
The Aging Brain: Ayurvedic Therapies for Maintaining Mental Health
Speaker: Shubhangee Satam. As we age, structural and functional changes are seen in the brain w..
The Clinical Use of Immunomodulators
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. The last few decades have provided increasing evidence that botanically..
The Influence of Cannabis on the Psyche
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. Reports in both the biomedical literature and from patients suggest tha..
The Neurotoxic Presentations of Environmental Toxicants
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Matching toxicants such as mercury, lead, common solvents and pestici..
The Role of the Most Commonly Used OTC Pharmaceuticals and Common Environmental Toxicants in Dementia
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Over-the-counter sales of proton pump inhibitors and H2 blockers for ..
Weeds for your Needs: Celebrating the Healing Wild Plants - Their Stories, Song and Lore
Speaker: Doug Elliott. Whether he's pointing out poison ivy, pontificating on poke sallet, croo..
Wild Herbal Teas, Tinctures, & Vinegars
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Discover wild herbs for making teas that are mentally and physically st..
Wildcrafting: Gathering Your Own Plants for Medicine
Speaker: 7Song. Discussion includes sustainable harvesting techniques, helpful andimportant too..
2015 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2015 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book.Order download of PD..
2015 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours lo..