2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine

Date: 4/07/2017 - 4/09/2017
Theme of this year's annual conference: The latest research on botanical therapies for a wide variety of conditions. Thirty presentations by fourteen experienced herbal practitioners.
Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
The printed book of lecture notes is available externally from Amazon.com
Botanical Options for Constipation in Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Persistent constipation can impact a child’s physical and psychosocial well..
Botanicals for Cognitive Support
Speaker: Lise Alschuler. There are limited pharmaceutical options for supporting cognitive heal..
Botanicals for Immuno-inflammation, emphasis on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer, Pt.1 and Pt. 2
Speaker: Lise Alschuler One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. In Part 1 I..
Botanicals to Support Happiness and Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Speaker: Lise Alschuler. While relieving depression and anxiety is a significant step towards w..
Cannabis and Cancer: Sifting the Science
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. The use of Cannabis to treat issues such as cancer pain or chemo-in..
Commonly Misprescribed Drugs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Thiazide diuretics, anti-hypertensive drugs, acid blocking drugs, opioid..
Demonstration: Preparing and Applying Preparations for the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Learn how to make and apply botanical eye drops/eye washes, nasal s..
Differentiating the Cohoshes
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Botany, historical uses and recent studies are reviewed for Actaea spp a..
Epigenetics and Mental Health
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Investigates the impact that early life events have on full grown a..
Functional Genetic Mutations and Herbal/Dietary Therapies to Mitigate their Effects
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Supportive botanical therapies for those with cystic fibrosis, auti..
Gastroparesis and Intestinal Motility Conditions
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Gastroparesis is a severe form of impaired intestinal motility that ma..
Going Platinum: Chemotherapy and Botanicals
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Platinum-based chemotherapy agents remain a standard of care in tre..
Herb-Drug Interactions: Lost in Translation
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure When it comes to herb-drug interactions, the implications of current..
Speaker: Jeffrey Langland. Part 1 describes the use of Fritillaria thunbergii as an adjuvant th..
Medical Herbalism and the Therapeutic Order
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The therapeutic order in healing describes a hierarchy of interventions,..
Medicinal Tea Party
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. A demonstration in the garden features how to brew spicy adjuvants, cre..
Medicines of the Soul: The Ritual Use of Plants
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs can be used not only as physical medicines, but ritual and s..
Molecular Mechanisms of Action for the “Blood Movers” in Circulatory Disorders
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The term “blood mover” from Traditional Chinese Medicine embraces the ..
Natural Approaches to Gout
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Incidence of gout is increasing in the US population. In this lecture, p..
Neurohacking: Cognitive and Performance Enhancing Therapies
Speaker: Katie Stage. Neurohacking is a new term that encompasses biological interventions..
New Insights into Commonplace and Undervalued Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Sometimes our most commonplace herbs, often growing abundantly around us..
Panel: Cannabis as an Alternative to Opioids, Benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and other Drugs
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Jonathan Treasure and Kenneth Proefrock. While these drugs can have uninten..
Practicing Herbal Medicine in an Integrative Free Clinic
Speaker: 7Song. What is it like to practice as an herbalist in an integrative free clinic? We t..
Protocols for the Treatment of Diabetes
Speaker: David Winston. What used to be called adult-onset diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) is now co..
Restoring the Cortisol Cycle
Speaker: Mary Bove. A focus on adrenal health through restoration and enhancement of the H..
Safe Use of Low-Dose Herbs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Review major low-dose herbs and how to prescribe them safely withcase st..
Southwest Plants for First Aid
Speaker: 7Song. Common Southwestern plants for infections, wounds, burns and other maladies. Ho..
The Problem of Proton Pump Inhibitors for GERD and their Alternatives
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The PPIs and other acid-blocking drugs are commonly prescribed but the..
Therapeutic Value of Aromatic Plants
Speaker: Mary Bove. Aromatic plants offer many possibilities as antioxidants, antimicrobials, nervin..
Treatment of Bacterial MDR (MRSA, VRE) with Botanical Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections have become a major heal..
Using Flower Essences as Adaptogens
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. How and when to use essences of Aspen, Crab Apple, Oak, Olive, Wa..
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book.Order download of..
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine MP3 recordings includes these titles (ea..