2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium

June 1 – 4, 2018
Theme of this year's annual symposium: Integrating botanical medicine with the latest medical research. Thirty presentations by eighteen experienced herbal practitioners.Purchase the digital download of the lecture notes (PDF) and recordings (MP3) here on our website (see product listings below).
The printed book of lecture notes is available by special order. Contact us here.
Anthraquinone Glycosides: A Practical Review
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. Anthraquinone glycosides such as aloin, emodin, and rhein have long..
Autoimmune Dietary Recovery Plan
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. We explore the dietary needs of a person in recovery from severe ill..
Beginner’s Guide to Making Tinctures
Speaker: Robin McGee. Making your own tinctures is fun, easy, empowering (and addictive)! Durin..
Botanicals and Nutrients for Chemotherapy-Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain
Speaker: Donald Yance. Of the many side effects of drug treatments for cancer, chemotherapy-ind..
Challenges and Opportunities with Exotic Invasive Plants
Speaker: Marc Williams. This class describes plant family patterns and their applications..
Clinical Psychology Practice: Chronic Pain, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. Resear..
COPD and Women: How Herbs Can Help
Speaker: Mary Bove. COPD is actually a big issue in women’s health and rarely talked about. Thi..
Down the Rabbit Hole on the Medicine Trail
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In the course of medicine hunting around the globe, all manner of circum..
Encounters with The Shaman’s Pharmacy (Peru)
Speaker: Chris Kilham. Travelers who venture to the Ucayali region of Peru’s Amazon for ayahuas..
Energetics of Menses/Moon Time and PMS
Speaker: Kat Maier. This class looks at tissue states and energetic systems to gain a deeper un..
Environmental Impact on Sexual Development and Reproductive Ability
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. The impact of ubiquitous pollutants on sexual and reproductive health..
Finding Focus: Working with Adult ADD/ADHD
Speaker: CoreyPine Shane. Most commonly thought of as a problem in children, Attention Deficit ..
Foraging for Health – A Seasonal Approach
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Follow the cycles of the plants through the seasons and discover which ..
Heart and Lung Sounds Herbal Remedies in the Eclectic Tradition
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The eclectic physicians and physiomedicalists used a stethoscope to..
Helping People Cope with Loss
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. How can we choose herbs, words and service to meet a wounded ..
Herbs and Nutrients for Enhancing Cognitive Function
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND. Oxidative stress and inflammatory load in the body can contribu..
Herbs to Lift the Spirits
Speaker: CoreyPine Shane. Using Chinese medicine theory, we can look at depression, melancholy ..
Hormonal Depression in Women
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Women are statistically much more likely to suffer from major..
Hysterectomies – Herbal Tools for Prevention or Recovery from Surgery
Speaker: Kat Maier. By the time women in the States reach 60 yrs of age, 1/3 will have lost the..
Inside/Outside Applications for Joint & Tissue Inflammation
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Learn simple remedies for aching joints and inflamed tissues. ..
Kratom: Clinical Applications for Opiate Withdrawal, Pain, Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Mitragyna speciosa is a psychoactive plant grown in Southeast Asia,..
Medicinal Mushrooms in the Kitchen and Apothecary, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Marc Williams. Once click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3.5-hour presentation. Learn how to ..
Mint Family: Digestion to Cognition. Rosemary to Oregano and Thyme
Speaker: Mary Bove. Medicinal uses of the classic herbs in the Mint/Lamiaceae family are descri..
Mycotoxins – The Health Effects of Mold and how to Diagnose and Treat
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Molds thrive on moisture and cellulose, both of which are abundant in..
Naturopathic Interventional Strategies for Seizure Disorders and other Neurological Conditions
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. We begin with a broad discussion of the types of seizure disorders ..
Panel Discussion: My New Favorite Herb
Panelists: Chris Kilham, CoreyPine Shane, and Teresa Boardwine. Three herbalists weigh in on an herb..
Panel Discussion: Staying Centered in a Stressful World
Panelists: Jillian Stansbury, Mary Bove and Kenneth Proefrock. We all know the signs of stress..
Pao Zhi- The Alchemy of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Alchemy is the process of taking something physical and liberating its ..
Preconception Care: Diet, Lifestyle Choices for Optimizing the Health and Vitality of the Child
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Conscious conception would include preconception care. In our current..
Synergy: The Key to Effective Herbal Practice
Speaker: David Winston. In all the world’s great herbal traditions, the use of single herbs (si..
The Bomoh’s Medicine (Malaysia)
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In traditional Malaysian medicine, healers are known as Bomohs. Utilizin..
The Role of Botanicals in Chemotherapy, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation.Part 1 is based on..
The Solanaceae – A Bewitching Family
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. This richly visual presentation explores the fascinating depth and ..
What Type is your Headache? Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Mary Bove. A review of the various mechanisms behind the physiology of a headach..
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book.Order download of PDF..
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium MP3 recordings includes these titles (each ..
Terpenoid Chemistry for Herbalists
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. An unforeseen consequence of the medical cannabis movement has been..