Speaker: Eric Scott Bresselsmith. Begins with a demonstration of a table-top essential oil distillation system and describes the basics of distilling. Discusses practical applications of fractionated essential oils and their connection to natural flavor/fragrance, contrasting them with petroleum distillation and artificial flavor/fragrance. Differences between hydrosols, essential oils and steeped teas are included.
Related product: The lecture notes for this recording are available here: 2019 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
Continuing Education for Naturopathic Physicians: This recording has been approved for 1.5 general CME credits by
- California Naturopathic Doctor's Association (CNDA)
- Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM)
- Arizona SCNM (Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine)
More information: CME for NDs: Southwest Conference 2019
Artisan Essential Oil Distillation and Medicinal Uses
- Event: 2019 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
- Product Code: 19SW29
- Availability: 1000
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Tags: essential oil, distillation, medicinal