Speaker: Jason Hawrelak, ND. Over the last two decades, probiotic research has increased exponentially. This has been mirrored by an explosion of probiotic products in the marketplace. With the sheer choice of probiotic supplements and foods available on the market today, it can be challenging for health professionals to sort through each manufacturers’ claims of superiority. In this presentation, Dr. Hawrelak covers probiotic prescribing fundamentals and details the wide range of mechanisms that explain how these agents can have such myriad health benefits. Benefits include improvement in a wide range of conditions, including systemic conditions like anxiety, type 2 diabetes, and the prevention of respiratory tract infections, as well as gastrointestinal issues such as Helicobacter pylori eradication, irritable bowel syndrome, and celiac disease. The concept of probiotic strain specificity will be examined, and Dr Hawrelak will discuss the shifting paradigm in probiotic prescribing from “re-seeding the gut” to choosing the bacterial strain with the desired action for treating specific conditions. He will conclude by debunking a number of probiotic myths that are widely promoted online.
Related product: The PowerPoint for this recording is available here: 2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
Also available in video (for purchase separately on Vimeo).
Continuing Education:
Naturopathic Physicians: This recording has been approved for 1.5 general CME credits by
- Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM)
- Arizona SCNM (Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine)
Key Points when Prescribing Probiotics in Clinical Practice
- Event: 2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
- Product Code: 22SW07
- Availability: 1000
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