2016 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium.
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PDF file includes 359 pages of lecture notes and power point presentations by speakers at this event.
Teresa Boardwine | Page | |
| Pessaries: Feminine Healing for Shining the Light and Mending The Tissues | 1 |
| Herbal Treats as Medicine: Bonbons, Balls, Candies & Truffles | 5 |
Mary Bove, ND |
| |
| Using Essential Oils with Kids of All Ages | 8 |
| Compliance Issues in Herbal Medicine | 13 |
| Microbiome in Infants and Children | 16 |
Chanchal Cabrera, MSc, FNIMH |
| |
| Green Healing: Biophilia, Herbal Medicine and Health | 28 |
| Building Herbal Formulas | 34 |
Walter Crinnion |
| |
| Common Botanical Agents that Alleviate Daily Toxicant Damage | 51 |
| A Complete Picture of the most Powerful Antioxidant in the Body: Glutathione | 65 |
| Paraoxonase 1: A Phase 1 Enzyme Critical for Health | 83 |
Christopher Hobbs, PhD | ||
| Intensive: Preventing and Treating Infections | 106 |
| Medicinal Mushrooms: A Clinician’s Overview | 134 |
| Panel: Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment | 150 |
Robin McGee |
| |
| Herbal Oils | 152 |
Jason Miller, LAc, MAcOM |
| |
| Intensive: The Digestive System and Neurological Health: Healing the Gut-Brain Axis with Botanical Medicine | 154 |
| Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) Botanical and Nutritional Solutions | 180 |
Kenneth Proefrock, ND |
| |
| The Intricate Relationship Between Food Allergy, Endocrine Imbalance and Inappropriate Weight Gain | 196 |
| Botanical Considerations in the Treatment of Breast and Prostate Cancer | 209 |
| Treatment of Acute and Chronic Trauma through Botanical Medicine, Nutrition and Lifestyle Modification | 223 |
| Keynote: The Future of Botanical Medicine | 235 |
Vickie Shufer |
| |
| Wild Fruits of Fields and Forests: How to Use them for Food and Medicine | 246 |
Jill Stansbury, ND |
| |
| Inositol Compounds | 250 |
| Botanical Influences on Leaky Gut Syndrome | 262 |
| Weight Loss Herbs: Help or Hype? | 276 |
Roy Upton RH (AHG) |
| |
| Safety & Interactions of Botanical Medicines | 292 |
| The Spirit of Chinese Medicinal Herbs: The Cultivation of Physical, Mental, Emotional, and Spiritual Health | 307 |
| Natural Therapies in Conventional Cancer Care: Increasing Chances for Survival and Quality of Life | 317 |
Marc Williams |
| |
| Temperate Woody Plant Identification and Ethnobotany | 333 |
David Winston, RH(AHG) |
| |
| Brain Pain--The Challenge of Migraines: The Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of a Chronic Neurovascular Disorder | 338 |
| The Worst Weeds are your Best Medicine – The Common and Weedy Plant Materia Medica | 351 |
Content | |
Media |
2016 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)
- Event: 2016 Medicines from the Earth
- Product Code: 16MEN
- Availability: 1000
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