Bergner, Paul

The Director of the North American Institute of Medical Herbalism in Portland, Oregon, Paul Bergner offers seminar training in clinical skills, medical herbalism, nutrition, and nature cure. He has mentored more than 400 students through residencies in teaching clinics since 1996, and continues to mentor 20 or more students a year in two different school clinics. He has edited the Medical Herbalism journal since 1989, and is the author of seven books on herbal medicine, ethnobotany, nutrition, and naturopathic medicine.
A New Look at Coffee: Benefits, Adverse Effects, Interactions Paul Bergner
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A New Look at Coffee: Benefits, Adverse Effects, Interactions Paul Bergner..
A Vitalist Approach to Withdrawal from Pharmaceutical Drugs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A Vitalist Approach to Withdrawal from Pharmaceutical Drugs..
Acute Viral Respiratory Infection: Prevention and Therapeutics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A presentation of nutritional and herbal considerations for epidemic respirat..
Adverse Effects of Common Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. New information on adverse effects the herbalist is likely to see in practice..
Adverse Effects of the Top Herbs in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Case reports from scientific literature, other practitioners and Pa..
Allergies: Herbal Treatment & Formulas
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Begins with a description of the reasons for the development of allergie..
Antianxiety Herbs and Mechanisms of Action
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist. Gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA) is an inhibitory neur..
Assessing Complex Symptoms and Developing Herbal Strategies for Chronic Disease
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The steps to determining the proper therapeutic methods for a chronicall..
Bitter Herbs: Properties and Clinical Uses
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of the general properties of bitter-flavored herbs, and a discu..
Botanical Therapies for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Strategies include resetting the sleep cycle, reducing stress and natura..
Botanical Therapies for Leaky Gut Syndrome
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Pathology of this common condition is described along with the therapeut..
Botanicals for Chronic Pain
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Injury, inflammation, spasm and pressure can all cause pain. Apium, Cory..
Botanicals for Sleep Debt and Chronic Disease
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Covers the endocrine pathophysiology of sleep debt, and lifestyle counse..
Botanicals, Biofilms and Chronic Infections
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Bacteria responsible for hard-to-treat chronic conditions often exist i..
Case Studies in Vitalist Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Cases presented include: dietary and botanical treatments to restore nor..
Celiac Disease: Withdrawal and Recovery from Gluten Intolerance
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Celiac Disease: Withdrawal and Recovery from Gluten Intolerance..
Chinese Herbs for Athletes
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Supplementing athletic training with tonic herbs for endurance, performa..
Clinical Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm- Part 1
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Gives common sense guidelines for nutritional interventions for the medi..
Clinical Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm- Part 2
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Continued from Part 1. Gives common sense guidelines for nutritional in..
Coffee: A New Look at an Old Devil
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The potential benefits of coffee consumption include antidiabetic, antii..
Common Lifestyle Patterns in Reproductive Disorders
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Broad patterns of lifestyle, diet and constitution are often overl..
Comparative Materia Medica for the Bitter Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist The category of bitter herbs has formed the bedro..
Dark Side of Adaptogens: Appropriate and Inappropriate Use
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Recommendations for the use of adaptogens in building strength and stami..
Differentiating the Cohoshes
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Botany, historical uses and recent studies are reviewed for Actaea spp a..
Female System Herbs from the Four Directions
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A model for the study of herbal materia medica from four different direc..
Formulas and Strategies: Classic Traditional Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This lecture presents the therapeutic uses of black cohosh, myrrh gum, ..
Healing as a Spiritual Path
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The individual called to be a healer enters into what is essential..
Healing: Herbs for the Spiritual Heart
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Healing: Herbs for the Spiritual Heart..
Herbal Pairing in Formulation
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A description of the theory that two herbs can work better therapeutical..
Herbal Resources on the Internet
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Includes Paul Bergner's quick guide to MEDLINE searching. Other si..
Herbal Therapeutics for the Urinary System
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbal Therapeutics for the Urinary System..
Herbal Therapies for Subclinical Hypothyroid
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Diagnostic criteria for subclinical hypothyroid (depressed TSH with normal T4..
Herbal Treasures from the National Formulary (NF) of 1906
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist The NF was the official listing of formulas for a..
Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls
Speaker: Paul Bergner. An herban legend is a persistent, widely held belief about a plant and i..
Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls in the Female Reproductive Materia Medica
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist An Herban Legend is a persistent, widely and fir..
Herban Legends: Persistent Myths in Contemporary Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Includes corrected information and applications for about 30 herbs ..
Herbs for Herpes and Shingles
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist. Oral and genital herpes infections, and shingles out..
Herbs for Insulin Resistance and Type II Diabetes
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This talk discusses the relationship between these two conditions, and herbs ..
History and Clinical Uses of Eupatorium perfoliatum and Asclepias tuberosa
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist In the 1790s, some younger doctors of the Regular..
Humoral and Energetic Differentials for Gastrointestinal (GI) Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbal medicines used for the digestive tract have, in the terminology o..
Influenza: Prevention and Therapeutics with Case Studies
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A discussion of past flu epidemics and the common factors leading to successf..
Insulin Resistance: Natural Therapeutics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Agents used for increasing insulin sensitivity are preferred over those subst..
Little-known Physiological Facts that may Change your Practice of Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Little-known but well-established facts about human physiology are prese..
Management of Acute and Chronic Pain with Herbal Medicines
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Above all, treat the whole person on all levels, not just the painful area. E..
Medical Herbalism and the Therapeutic Order
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The therapeutic order in healing describes a hierarchy of interventions,..
Medicinal Uses of the Berberine-Containing Plants
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Wherever they are found, plants containing berberine and related isoquinol..
Natural and Herbal Therapeutics for West Nile Virus
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of the clinical presentation of West Nile, with natural and herbal t..
Nervines and Sleep Debt in Immune and Endocrine Dysregulation
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The physiological effects of sleep debt on the endocrine system, th..
New Insights into Commonplace and Undervalued Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Sometimes our most commonplace herbs, often growing abundantly around us..
Nutrition in the Herbal Paradigm
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Dietetics and nutrition have long been essential elements of a therapeut..
Nutritive Herbs: Essential Therapeutics for a Nutrient-Deprived World
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Mineral and trace element components of medicinal plants are the forgott..
Panel Discussion: Botanical and other Therapies for Long COVID
Panelists: Dee Atkinson, FNIMH, Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and David Wi..
Panel Discussion: Herb/Drug Interactions
Panelists: Amanda McQuade Crawford, Jill Stansbury, Paul Bergner and David Winston. A common s..
Panel Discussion: Management of Hepatitis C with Botanical Therapies
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Frances, David Winston and Jillian Stansbu..
Panel Discussion: Prevention of Viral Infections: Building Immunity with Botanicals
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist; Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AA..
Panel: Cannabis as an Alternative to Opioids, Benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and other Drugs
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Jonathan Treasure and Kenneth Proefrock. While these drugs can have uninten..
Panel: Strengthening the Immune System with Botanicals
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Brammer, ND, David Hoffmann and David Wins..
Powerful Herbal Pairs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The power of herbs in combinations of two or three may extend exponentially b..
Recovery from Celiac & Gluten Intolerance Disease Update
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Diagnosing gluten intolerance can be tricky. Reliability of the diagnost..
Systemic Inflammation: Sources and Therapies
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Chronic inflammation underlies many of the common chronic conditions see..
The Alterative Herbs: A 21st Century Look at Blood Purification
Speaker: Paul Bergner. According to Paul Bergner, the alterative action of herbs is one of the ..
The Antiviral Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Medicinal plants may affect viral infections in humans in three general wa..
The Antiviral Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of antiviral strategies in general, and the materia medica for ..
The Great Influenza: Past and Present
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Epidemiological, pathological, prevention, and ateria medica therapeuti..
The Thomsonian Classics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of the actions, therapeutics uses, toxicology, and combinations..
The Vitalist Actions of Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Relax, tonify, stimulate: a discussion and mini-workshop on three herbal..
Therapeutic Considerations for Herbs with Heating Effects
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbs with strong heating effects require precautions for certain patien..
Tonics vs. Relaxants: The Forgotten Polarity of Physiomedical Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The constitutional polarity of tonic/astringent vs relaxant is frequentl..
Topical Antifungal Therapeutics with Western Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Plants have engaged in an “arms race” with fungi for many millions of year..
Topical Herbs: Mechanisms and Applications
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A review of five plants with diverse topical application: Plantago, Cale..
Treatment of Acute Febrile Illness (Fever)
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This talk begins with a discussion of the physiology of fever, inc..
Understanding Metabolic Syndrome X (Hyperinsulinemia): Botanical and Natural Therapies
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Clinical manifestations of syndrome X are described, as well as th..
Updates on Botanicals for Subclinical Hypothyroid
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This 2013 update on subclinical hypothyroid includes a thorough discussi..
Useful Syndromes from Chinese Herbalism for the Western Herbalist
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The therapeutic paradigms of Chinese syndrome patterns may at first seem..
Using Yin Tonics in the Western Paradigm
Speaker: Paul Bergner. These "moistening adaptogens" are very well suited to addressing the con..
Vitalist Strategies in Herbal Medicine
Speaker: Paul Bergner. This lecture covers the history of vitalist theories of medicine from th..
West Nile Virus and Neuroinvasive Complications
Speaker: Paul Bergner. West Nile infections are currently rebounding in the southwest and Calif..
Working with the Heavy Cannabis User: Side Effects, Withdrawal Symptoms and Constitutional Considerations
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Heavy Cannabis use can have acute and chronic side effects, including a..
Allergies and Asthma Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders six recordings (1.5 hours long) plus 66-page PDF of digital notes..
Series: Cannabis Therapeutics
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus PDF of digital notes.This series includes the..
Series: Thyroid Management for Clinicians
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 61-page PDF of digital notes. In this co..