Burgess, Martha

Inspired by Tohono Odham elders, Martha Burgess teaches ethnobotanical workshops in desert foods, herbs, and culinary ways. Working through Native Seeds/SEARCH and Baja Arizona Sustainable Agriculture, she is a strong advocate for growing our own food and medicines. Martha is also a talented watercolorist, who came to art as a special way to appreciate and understand Nature and history. Her background in geology, tree-ring dating, ethnobotany, and environmental education have given her a scientists wish for rightness in her artistic documentation, an adventurers sense of freedom about it, and a teachers wish to share it.Hydrosols: Distilling the Essence of Desert Aromas
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Hydrosols: Distilling the Essence of Desert Aromas..
Medicinal Uses of Native Southwestern Plants
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Medicinal Uses of Native Southwestern Plants..
Medicine for Diabetes and Cholesterol from Desert Untouchables
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Harvest techniques and preparation of medicine from cholla, prickly pear, b..
Mesquite Medicine
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Traditional uses of the widespread mesquite tree include the use of the see..
Unlocking Healing Secrets of Desert Survivors: A Culinary Approach
Speaker: Martha Burgess. Unlocking Healing Secrets of Desert Survivors: A Culinary Approach..