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  • Herbs to Lift the Spirits

Speaker: CoreyPine Shane. Using Chinese medicine theory, we can look at depression, melancholy and grief as different patterns of disharmony in the body when they are overwhelming to us and we can’t continue our daily life. In this class we’ll look at these patterns of imbalance to figure out when to nourish, when to move and clear, and when to calm the spirit. Although we’ll be borrowing some terms from Traditional Chinese Medicine, this lecture is also intended for the western herbal practitioner. Catalog number 18ME24

Related product: The lecture notes for this recording are available here: 2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)

Continuing Education for Naturopathic Physicians: This  lecture has been approved for 1.5 general hours by the Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM) 

More information: CME for NDs: Medicines from the Earth Conference 2018

Media MP3 Audio
Speaker Walter Crinnion

Herbs to Lift the Spirits

  • $11.99

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