Low Dog, Tieraona

Tieraona Low Dog, MD is an internationally recognized expert in dietary supplements and integrative medicine. In addition to her many years as a clinician and educator, she has been involved in national health policy and regulatory issues, serving on advisory panels for the White House and the National Institutes of Health and chairing two committees on dietary supplements for the U.S. Pharmacopoeia. She is the author of Fortify Your Life, Healthy at Home, Life is Your Best Medicine, and Guide to Medicinal Herbs.
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 1
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Explores the mechanisms of action, dose, application and contr..
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 2
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Continuing from Part 1, this presentation explores the mechani..
Keynote: The Integration of Botanical Medicine into Mainstream Medical Practice
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. The integration of botanical medicine into mainstream medical practice fr..
Managing Arthritis with Herbal Therapies
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Describes the treatment of rheumatoid and osteoarthritis,..