Marchese, Marianne

Marchese is a naturopathic physician practicing in
Phoenix, Arizona where she treats men, women and children of all ages. Her goal
is to empower patients to play an active role in their own health and wellbeing.
She utilizes the whole spectrum of health care – alternative and conventional
medicine – with treatments individualized to each patient. She has
presented new evidence pointing to everyday exposures as a cause for both male
factor and female factor infertility, describing environment influences on
infertility. She is the author of the book 8 Weeks to Women’s Wellness and
adjunct faculty in gynecology here at SCNM.
Botanicals for Mitigating Environmental Toxicant Exposure
Speaker: Marianne Marchese, ND. Environmental toxicants are known to disrupt the endocrine, immune a..
Environmental Links to Infertility
Speaker: Marianne Marchese. New evidence points to everyday toxic exposure as a cause for..
Food Addiction in Women: Botanical Treatment Strategies
Speaker: Marianne Marchese, ND. Food addiction is very different than an eating disorder...
How to Mitigate the Effects of Mold and Mycotoxin Exposure
Speaker: Marianne Marchese, ND Dr. Marchese explains the sources of exposure of mold/mycotoxins..
Panel: Naturopathic Approaches to Weight Management and Obesity Prevention
Panelists: Lise Alschuler, ND, Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and Marianne Marchese, ND One of..
Women's Health Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 83-page PDF of digita..
Weight Management Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings plus 99-page PDF of digital notes. One-clic..