Mitchell, Bill
Dr. William Mitchell was one on the co-founders of Bastyr University, and was nationally recognized as one of the top physicians of his field. He dedicated his life to the advancement of Naturopathic Medicine through clinical and educational work. He practiced Naturopathic Medicine in its true form, using the healing power of nature to support each individual in treatment and prevention of disease, and in their achievement of optimal health. As a physician he helped thousands of patients over 30 years, empowering countless people to make positive changes for themselves and their families. As a teacher, he educated and inspired clients and students across the nation until his death in January of 2007. He is greatly missed.A History of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Follow the history of herbalism from the earliest times: Aboriginals, M..
Asbestosis and Bronchogenic Carcinoma: Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Features a botanical formula which has been shown to be effective in re..
Botanical Primary Complementary Cancer Treatment, Part 1
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. This is an all encompassing discussion of many ideas rather than a clin..
Botanical Primary Complementary Cancer Treatment, Part 2
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Continued from Part 1 this is an all encompassing discussion of many id..
Botanical Therapies for Hepatitis C
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Wide-ranging therapeutic discussion from Dr. Mitchell's clinical experi..
Botanicals for Respiratory Pathologies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A thorough discussion of some of the most common respiratory patho..
Connective Tissue Disorders and Aging
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Therapies for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, weak muscles, bursitis ..
Detoxification and Rejuvenation: Liver Enzyme Pathways
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Botanical management of hepatic enzyme systems; both Phase I and Phase ..
Dr. John Bastyr's Botanical Remedies, Part 1
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Part 1 discusses two favorite remedies from Dr. Bastyr for each category: al..
Dr. John Bastyr's Botanical Remedies, Part 2
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Continues the discussion from Part 1 of two favorite remedies from Dr. Basty..
Dr. Mitchell's Favorite Herbs in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Favorite herbs include Peumus boldo, Euonymous, Filipendula, Rauwo..
Geriatric Medicine: Exploring Longevity with Herbs
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. This presentation discusses the rejuvenation of the endocrine system (i..
Herb-Nutrient Combinations that Work
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. The most useful combinations are presented by a clinician with over 20 years..
Herbal Therapies for Specific Problems of Aging
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A discussion of herbal and nutritional therapies for prostatitis, prost..
Integration of Herbal Medicine with the World's Religions
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Explores the role that herbal medicine and the plants have played in tr..
Keynote: The Spirit of Naturopathic Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. An inspirational address for our times. Principles of pract..
Major Herbs for Tonification of the Chakras
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. The chakras are the seven energy centers of the body as described by Indian ..
Managing Leukemia with Natural Therapies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Includes management of chronic lymphocytic leukemia, acute myelogenous leuke..
Metamorphosis Theory of Vitalism into Today’s Neo-Vitalism: Application for Herbal Medicine
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. The ancient theory of the vital force has been rediscovered and expande..
Novel Herbal and Other Natural Therapies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Kitchen medicine, folk medicine and anecdotal information collecte..
Panel Discussion: Traditional Nature Cure
Panelists: Mary Bove, Bill Mitchell and Ryan Drum. Favorite techniques from the old tradi..
Panel: Favorite Adaptogens for Maintaining Health
Panelists: Cascade Anderson Geller, Bill Mitchell, ND and Chanchal Cabrera. Eleutherococcus, ashwaga..
Plants and the Psyche
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Botanical approaches to mental illness: manic depression, ADHD, schizop..
Shamanism: The Historical Perspective
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A look at archetypal ceremonies, the early use of ceremonial herbs and ..
Ten Important Cases in Naturopathy
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Includes psoriasis, macular degeneration, ulcerative colitis, hepatitis..
The Future of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. An original philosphical consideration of the future of herbal medicine..
The Proper Use of Toxic Botanicals
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Toxic botanicals can be great allies in a variety of conditions, p..
The Use of Anti-inflammatory Herbs in Cancer Therapeutics
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Cercocarpus montana, chelidonium, hawthorn and other anti-inflammatory ..