Prajapati, Sumita

Dr. Prajapati is an M.D. (Mumbai, India) as well as an experienced practitioner of Ayurvedic medicine. She combines Ayurvedic and Western diagnostic and therapeutic techniques including Ayurvedic pulse diagnosis. She specializes in women's health care.
Ayurvedic Treatment of Infertility & Menopause
Speaker: Sumita Prajapati. Pulse diagnosis reveals the underlying causes of these conditions an..
Balancing the Physiology: An Ayurvedic Approach for Women
Speaker: Sumita Prajapati. The principles of Ayurveda are used to balance the physiology of wom..
Balancing the Physiology: Ayurveda for Women
Speaker: Sumita Prajapati. Discussion of Ayurvedic treatment for menstrual disorders, menopausa..
Showing 1 to 3 of 3 (1 Pages)