Treasure, Jonathan
Artemisinin and Molecular Multi-tasking
Speaker:Johnathan Treasure. The sesquiterpene lactone artemisinin (ART) found in Artemisia annu..
Botanicals and Conventional Cancer Treatments
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Mainstream oncology actively discourages the use of herbs during co..
Cannabis and Cancer: Sifting the Science
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. The use of Cannabis to treat issues such as cancer pain or chemo-in..
Clinical Examples of Herb-Drug Interactions
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Covers many points of theoretical and clinically significant herb d..
Food, Medicine & Poison: Novel Conceptual & Clinical Tools for the Treatment of Cancer
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Novel conceptual and clinical tools for the botanical treatment of cance..
Going Platinum: Chemotherapy and Botanicals
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Platinum-based chemotherapy agents remain a standard of care in tre..
Heart's Ease: Botanicals for Cardiovascular Conditions
Speaker: Jonathan TreasureJonathan Treasure. Herbs for the prevention and treatment of stroke, arter..
Herb-Drug Interactions: Lost in Translation
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure When it comes to herb-drug interactions, the implications of current..
Non-Toxic Protocols for Advanced Cancer
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Protocol management using artemisinin, Vitamin C- K3 and tetrathiom..
Panel: Cannabis as an Alternative to Opioids, Benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and other Drugs
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Jonathan Treasure and Kenneth Proefrock. While these drugs can have uninten..
Principles of Herb-Drug Interactions: The Good, The Bad and The Ugly
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Principles of interaction are presented by one of the US experts in..
Therapeutic Implications of Recent Herb-Drug Interaction Research
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Creative therapeutic implications of recent herb-drug interaction r..
Series: Cannabis Therapeutics
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus PDF of digital notes.This series includes the..