Weiss, Decker

Avoiding Angioplasty and Bypass Naturally
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Surgery can be avoided in many cases by increasing circulation to the he..
Botanical Therapies for Depression
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Specific protocols for different degrees of depression are offered inclu..
COPD (Emphysema) and Asthma: Natural Alternatives
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Long term use of steroidal pharmaceuticals for the treatment of asthma a..
Natural Medicine for Congestive Heart Failure
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Presents natural therapies, including astragalus and other herbs, for re..
Weaning Patients from Anti-hypertension Medications
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Presents recommendations for the therapeutic use of CoQ10, magnesium, ca..