Shufer, Vickie

A naturalist and herbalist with a master’s degree in therapeutic herbalism, Vickie Shufer, MS, teaches classes on edible and medicinal plants, as well as outdoor education programs. She is the author of The Everything Guide to Foraging and was the editor/publisher of The Wild Foods Forum newsletter (1994 – 2014). She also owns and manages a native nursery, The Wild Woods Farm, where she propagates native plants.
Edible and Medicinal Plants of Appalachia
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Explore the botanical bounty of the southern Appalachians. We hik..
Foraging for Health – A Seasonal Approach
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Follow the cycles of the plants through the seasons and discover which ..
Spring Greens - A Taste of the Wild
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Explore the world of wild greens by tasting the various flavors and how..
Wild Foods
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Discover the nutritional and health benefits of wild plants that can be..
Wild Fruits of Fields and Forests and Their use as Food and Medicine
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berries, nuts, ..
Wild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)
Speaker: Vickie Shufer, MS Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berrie..
Wild Herbal Teas, Tinctures, & Vinegars
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Discover wild herbs for making teas that are mentally and physically st..
Wild Herbs and Spices
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Enhance your cooking with flavor and nutrients from wild herbs to season and..