Crawford, Amanda McQuade
Amanda McQuade Crawford is an herbalist and psychotherapist practicing integrative health care at her clinic PhytoHumana, with locations in Ojai and Ventura, California. She practiced as a Consultant Medical Herbalist for decades before she became a licensed therapist (MFT), and now offers an experienced perspective on botanical medicine and clinical psychology. She has a degree in phytotherapy (herbal medicine) from Britain’s College of Phytotherapy. She was elected a member of the National Institute of Medical Herbalists (NIMH) in 1986, and is a founding member of the American Herbalists Guild. She is the author of three books on women’s health: The Natural Menopause Handbook, Herbal Remedies for Women and The Herbal Menopause Book. She also shared her methods of herbal self-care on her TV show, What a Relief! on the Veria network.