Speaker: Jen Stovall, BSN, RN Opioids are an important and necessary medicine for many of our clients. Unfortunately, long-term opioid use can impact both physical and mental health. In this presentation, we outline patterns of imbalance associated with opioid use and preventative strategies for support. Because opioids impact the body systems in predictable ways, resulting in similar symptom patterns, we look at both herbal and nutritional protocols that address the long-term impact of opioid use. Material presented is informed by the reality that not everyone is able, willing, or ready to quit using opioids and the belief that they still deserve support. We also consider commonly held myths about opioid users, both prescription and recreational, and best practices that lead to empowerment rather than stigmatization.
Related product: The PowerPoint for this recording is available here: 2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
Also available in video (for purchase separately on Vimeo).
Continuing Education:
Naturopathic Physicians: This recording has been approved for 1.5 pharmacy CME credits (or 1.5 opioid credits for AZ ND) by
- Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM)
- Arizona SUHS (Sonoran University of Health Sciences)
- California Naturopathic Doctors Association (CNDA)
Nursing: This recording has been approved for 1.5 Contact Hours by
- This nursing continuing professional development activity was approved by the American Holistic Nurses Association, an accredited approver by the American Nurses Credentialing Center’s Commission on Accreditation. Approval for contact hours through the American Holistic Nurses Association is based on an assessment of the educational merit of this program and does not constitute endorsement of the use of any specific modality in the care of clients.
More information on our Continuing Education Program
Managing the Impacts of Opioid Use Using Herbs & Nutrition
- Event: 2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
- Product Code: 23SW15
- Availability: 1000
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