2006 Medicines from the Earth
Anti-Aging Remedies from TCM
Speaker: Roy Upton. Chinese herbal tonics possess adaptogenic, antioxidant and immune supportiv..
Botanicals for Cancer-Related Pain, Pt 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Proper use of botanical compounds can have a profound effect on relievin..
Botanicals for Cancer-Related Pain, Pt 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continued from Part 1. Proper use of botanical compounds can have a prof..
Botanicals for Tick Borne Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Treatment options for babesiosis, ehrlichiosis, Lyme disease and others..
Clinical and Quality Control Review
Speaker: Roy Upton. Does echinacea work? Are toxic metals in herbal products? Does St. John's..
Creating Herbal Formulas
Speaker: Richo Cech. Discussion of the theory and methodology of compounding with tinctures and..
Emotional Influences on Chronic Disease
Speaker: Omar Cruz. Examines stress and its effects on the mind-body connection, with botanical trea..
Food as Medicine: Kitchen Apothecary
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Demonstrates preparation of herbal medicine from the kitchen pantry: vine..
Food Farmacy - Biblical Herbs vs Pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Jim Duke. The species listed in this lecture have been with us at for least 2 millennia, si..
Fragrance and Consciousness, Pt. 1
Speaker: David Crow. An overview of the latest information on the effects of aromatic molecules on n..
Fragrance and Consciousness, Pt. 2
Speaker: David Crow. Continued from Part 1. An overview of the latest information on the effects of ..
Frankincense and Myrrh
Speaker: David Crow. The botany, history and therapeutic uses of the world's two most important medi..
Hawthorn for Respiratory Disease
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Therapeutic uses of hawthorn in asthma and other respiratory conditions. ..
Herb Market Update, 2006
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. Examines the forces at work influencing public and professional perception..
Herb-Nutrient Combinations that Work
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. The most useful combinations are presented by a clinician with over 20 years..
Herbal Allies for Challenging Times
Speaker: Deborah Frances. The stress of daily life can take its toll, and adaptogens and other herba..
Herbal Therapies for Environmental Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Therapies for heavy metal toxicity, allergens, PCBs, radon and other ha..
Herbs for Headache
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Other herbs include lavender and feverfew, with formulas and dosages. ..
Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 1
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Medicinal honey and its byproducts (propolis, pollen) are ancient ..
Making Medicinal Honey, Pt 2
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Continued from Part 1. Medicinal honey and its byproducts (pr..
Media Reports & Public Perception of Negative Clinical Trials
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. An update of clinical trials on key herbs and phytomedical ingredients, wi..
Medicinal Herbs for Commerce Project
Speaker: Jeanine Davis. This project is helping North Carolina growers produce profitable new crops ..
Medicinal Weeds and the Energy Crunch
Speaker: Jim Duke. Learn how compounds contained in some of the worst invasive weeds might be profit..
Natural Skin Care
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Topical and internal herbal applications for a variety of ski..
Natural Therapies for Hyperthyroidism
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Includes botanicals for adrenal support, lifestyle recommendations and..
Natural Weight Management, Pt 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. This two-part lecture begins with a careful consideration of the dietary..
Natural Weight Management, Pt 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Based on the recommendations in Part 1, the second part pres..
Panel: Alternative Treatment of Drug Resistant Infections
Panelists: Deborah Frances, ND, Bill Mitchell, ND, Roy Upton, Jill Stansbury, ND. Common illnesses s..
Panel: Herbs for Brain Enhancement and Treating Cognitive Decline
Panelists: Jill Stansbury, ND, David Winston and Donald Yance. Do brain enhancers work? Discuss..
Panel: St. John's Wort
Panelists: Cascade Anderson Geller, Richo Cech and Mark Blumenthal. Plant identification, culti..
Plant Families: Metaphysical Relationships
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Describes botanical characteristics and metaphysical qualities of the ..
Southern Appalachian Medicinal Plants
Speaker: Jim Duke. Enumerates many of the long-familiar Appalachian medicinals, stressing some ..
The Antimicrobial Effects of Essential Oils
Speaker: David Crow. An overview of the latest research on the therapeutic uses of essential oi..
The Future of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. An original philosphical consideration of the future of herbal medicine..
The Herbalscape - Landscaping with Herbs
Speaker: Richo Cech. How to develop any piece of land into an herbalscape, augmenting the lands..
Therapeutic Uses of Medicinal Mushrooms
Speaker: Roy Upton. A review of the many immune enhancing mushrooms and their differentiations...
Wild Foods to Invigorate the Vital Force
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Weeds like dandelion, yellow dock, chickweed and wintercress..
2006 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2006 Medicines from the Earth: Conference Book. Order download of PDF file on this page. ..
2006 Medicines from the Earth: Full Set Recordings Download MP3
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth MP3 recordings includes these titles (each about 1.5 hours long..