2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
Botanical Options for Constipation in Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Persistent constipation can impact a child’s physical and psychosocial well..
Botanicals for Cognitive Support
Speaker: Lise Alschuler. There are limited pharmaceutical options for supporting cognitive heal..
Botanicals for Immuno-inflammation with emphasis on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer, Pt.1
Speaker: Lise Alschuler In Part 1 Inflammation is linked to cardiovascular disease, cancer, dia..
Botanicals for Immuno-inflammation with emphasis on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer, Pt.2
Speaker: Lise Alschuler Continued from Part 1. Drawing from the information given in Part 1, th..
Botanicals for Immuno-inflammation, emphasis on Cardiovascular Disease and Cancer, Pt.1 and Pt. 2
Speaker: Lise Alschuler One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. In Part 1 I..
Botanicals to Support Happiness and Reduce Anxiety and Depression
Speaker: Lise Alschuler. While relieving depression and anxiety is a significant step towards w..
Cannabis and Cancer: Sifting the Science
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. The use of Cannabis to treat issues such as cancer pain or chemo-in..
Commonly Misprescribed Drugs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Thiazide diuretics, anti-hypertensive drugs, acid blocking drugs, opioid..
Demonstration: Preparing and Applying Preparations for the Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Learn how to make and apply botanical eye drops/eye washes, nasal s..
Differentiating the Cohoshes
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Botany, historical uses and recent studies are reviewed for Actaea spp a..
Epigenetics and Mental Health
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Investigates the impact that early life events have on full grown a..
Functional Genetic Mutations and Herbal/Dietary Therapies to Mitigate their Effects
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Supportive botanical therapies for those with cystic fibrosis, auti..
Gastroparesis and Intestinal Motility Conditions
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Gastroparesis is a severe form of impaired intestinal motility that ma..
Going Platinum: Chemotherapy and Botanicals
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Platinum-based chemotherapy agents remain a standard of care in tre..
Herb-Drug Interactions: Lost in Translation
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure When it comes to herb-drug interactions, the implications of current..
Speaker: Jeffrey Langland. Part 1 describes the use of Fritillaria thunbergii as an adjuvant th..
Medical Herbalism and the Therapeutic Order
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The therapeutic order in healing describes a hierarchy of interventions,..
Medicinal Tea Party
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. A demonstration in the garden features how to brew spicy adjuvants, cre..
Medicines of the Soul: The Ritual Use of Plants
Speaker: David Winston. Herbs can be used not only as physical medicines, but ritual and s..
Molecular Mechanisms of Action for the “Blood Movers” in Circulatory Disorders
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The term “blood mover” from Traditional Chinese Medicine embraces the ..
Natural Approaches to Gout
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Incidence of gout is increasing in the US population. In this lecture, p..
Neurohacking: Cognitive and Performance Enhancing Therapies
Speaker: Katie Stage. Neurohacking is a new term that encompasses biological interventions..
New Insights into Commonplace and Undervalued Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Sometimes our most commonplace herbs, often growing abundantly around us..
Panel: Cannabis as an Alternative to Opioids, Benzodiazepines, NSAIDs and other Drugs
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Jonathan Treasure and Kenneth Proefrock. While these drugs can have uninten..
Practicing Herbal Medicine in an Integrative Free Clinic
Speaker: 7Song. What is it like to practice as an herbalist in an integrative free clinic? We t..
Protocols for the Treatment of Diabetes
Speaker: David Winston. What used to be called adult-onset diabetes (Type 2 Diabetes) is now co..
Restoring the Cortisol Cycle
Speaker: Mary Bove. A focus on adrenal health through restoration and enhancement of the H..
Safe Use of Low-Dose Herbs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Review major low-dose herbs and how to prescribe them safely withcase st..
Southwest Plants for First Aid
Speaker: 7Song. Common Southwestern plants for infections, wounds, burns and other maladies. Ho..
The Problem of Proton Pump Inhibitors for GERD and their Alternatives
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The PPIs and other acid-blocking drugs are commonly prescribed but the..
Therapeutic Value of Aromatic Plants
Speaker: Mary Bove. Aromatic plants offer many possibilities as antioxidants, antimicrobials, nervin..
Treatment of Bacterial MDR (MRSA, VRE) with Botanical Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections have become a major heal..
Using Flower Essences as Adaptogens
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. How and when to use essences of Aspen, Crab Apple, Oak, Olive, Wa..
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book.Order download of..
2017 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine MP3 recordings includes these titles (ea..