Alzheimer's Disease
Alzheimer’s Disease: The Loss of Memory and Self
Speaker: David Winston. New research suggests that amyloid plaques and tau protein are not the cause..
Botanicals for Cognitive Support
Speaker: Lise Alschuler. There are limited pharmaceutical options for supporting cognitive heal..
Case Studies in the Naturopathic Treatment of Neurodegenerative Conditions
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Several case studies in a variety of neurodegenerative con..
Geriatric Health Audio Series
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 85-page PDF of d..
Natural Therapies for Early Alzheimers Disease
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Therapies include the herbs bacopa, Vinca minor, rosemary, ginkgo, Cr..
Neurological and Cognitive Decline, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. ..
New Look at Alzheimers and Parkinsons Disease
Speaker: Jason Miller. How aging, oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction lead to Alzhei..
Panel Discussion: Mild Cognitive Impairment: Can it be Halted or Reversed?
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG As our..
Panel: Herbs for Brain Enhancement and Treating Cognitive Decline
Panelists: Jill Stansbury, ND, David Winston and Donald Yance. Do brain enhancers work? Discuss..
The Aging Brain: Ayurvedic Therapies for Maintaining Mental Health
Speaker: Shubhangee Satam. As we age, structural and functional changes are seen in the brain w..
The Dementia Epidemic: Evolution, Causes and the Role of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc In recent years, technological advances have increased h..
The Prevention and Treatment of Alzheimer's Disease with Botanicals and Nutrients
Speaker: Robert Rountree. The current epidemic of Alzheimer's disease in the aging population o..