A Modern Role for Cardiac Glycosides in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The cardiac glycosides found in plants are widely used to treat heart fa..
A Woman's Heart: Botanical Medicines for Prevention and Treatment
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Reviews prevalence of heart disease in women and preventive measures, whi..
Avoiding Angioplasty and Bypass Naturally
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Surgery can be avoided in many cases by increasing circulation to the he..
Botanical Compounds for Vascular Disease
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The latest research on plant constituents that act as platelet antiagg..
Botanical Therapies for Hyperlipidemia: Improving Blood Lipids (Cholesterol, LDL, HDL)
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. This lecture begins with a complete description of the types of blood ..
Botanicals for Vascular Inflammation
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. A discussion of the inflammatory processes contributing to arterioscle..
Bringing Down the Numbers – The Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Heart diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in the in..
Cardio-active Glycosides & Clinical Management of Arrhythmia
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Palpitations, tachycardia and fibrillations are among the most frigh..
Cardiovascular Blood Markers and Botanical Therapies, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Cardiovascular Blood Markers and Botanical Therapies, Part 1. Continued ..
Cardiovascular Blood Markers and Botanical Therapies, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Continued from Part 1. Cardiovascular Blood Markers and Botanical Therap..
Cardiovascular Disease: Beyond Cholesterol
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM. In addition to lipid imbalances, some of the key factors underlyin..
Cardiovascular Herbal Protocols
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Case studies of weaning patients from anti-hypertensive drugs, managin..
Cholesterol, Statins and the Truth about Cardiovascular Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance. Dispels popular myths and provides updates on many biological markers im..
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 1
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Explores the mechanisms of action, dose, application and contr..
Differential Use of Botanicals in Cardiovascular Disease, Part 2
Speaker: Tieraona Low Dog. Continuing from Part 1, this presentation explores the mechani..
Heart and Lung Sounds Herbal Remedies in the Eclectic Tradition
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The eclectic physicians and physiomedicalists used a stethoscope to..
Heart's Ease: Botanicals for Cardiovascular Conditions
Speaker: Jonathan TreasureJonathan Treasure. Herbs for the prevention and treatment of stroke, arter..
Herbal Allies for Nourishing the Emotional Heart
Speaker: Deborah Frances, ND Keeping our hearts open but protected can be a challenge, especially in..
Herbal Treatment for Hypertension
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Includes alternatives to pharmaceutical intervention in hypertension. ..
Herbs and Nutrition for Cardiovascular Health and Disease
Speaker: David Winston. Begins with basic recommendations for dietary, lifestyle and herbal th..
Herbs for Heart Palpitations
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Learn differentiations for the use of these herbs for palpitations, tachyc..
High Flavonoid Herbs for the Cardiovascular System
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Hibiscus, Crataegus, Vaccinium, Punica and other richly pigmented plants ca..
Inflammatory Blood Markers and Chronic Heart Disease: Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. How to interpret blood tests for homocysteine, C-reactive protein,..
Interaction of Herbs & Drugs: Statins, Anti-Hypertensives and More
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Herbs such as guggul and garlic are frequently used for prevention..
Latest Research on Paraoxonase 1 and Dietary Recommendations for Boosting its Function
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Paraoxonase 1 is an enzyme produced in the liver that is carried by H..
Maintaining a Healthy Heart in the Age of COVID
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND As we research the ability of COVID to enter cells through ACE ..
Molecular Mechanisms of Action for the “Blood Movers” in Circulatory Disorders
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The term “blood mover” from Traditional Chinese Medicine embraces the ..
Natural Medicine for Congestive Heart Failure
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Presents natural therapies, including astragalus and other herbs, for re..
Palpitations, Heart Arrhythmias, and Atrial Fibrillation: Balancing the Heart
Speaker: Jason Miller. This presentation explores the modern biomedical and herbal medicine pe..
Panel Discussion: Botanical Therapies for Recovery from Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Speakers: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO; Kenneth Proefrock, NMD; and Jillian Stansbury, ND A m..
Panel Discussion: Hypercholesterolemia: Comparing Efficacy and Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals and Botanicals
Speakers: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc; Jillian Stansbury, ND; and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) ..
Panel: Herbal & Natural Alternatives to Statins and other Cholesterol Lowering Substances
Panelists: Tori Hudson, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, ND, Jill Stansbury, ND and Johnathan Treasure. S..
Panel: Herbs for Hypertension
Panelists: Decker Weiss, ND, Amanda McQuade Crawford, Kenneth Proefrock, ND and Jill Stansbury,..
Rational Cardiovascular Management with Herbs
Speaker: Michael Moore. Different types of hypertension are discussed. In essential hypertensio..
Targeting IL-1 in Immunotherapy for Cancer and other Diseases using Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH (AHG) Pro-inflammatory processes are a hallmark of cancer, heart..
The Cholesterol Conundrum
Speaker: Robert Rountree. The proper balance of blood lipids is essential to the functioning of..
Uncommon Cardiovascular Remedies
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Botanicals for use by practitioners in heart disease inc..
Update on the Prevention and Treatment of Cardiovascular Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance. The latest developments in assessing cardiovascular risk factors and tar..
Weaning Patients from Anti-hypertension Medications
Speaker: Decker Weiss. Presents recommendations for the therapeutic use of CoQ10, magnesium, ca..