Assessing Nutritional Status in Children with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Speaker: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG). A look at gut, mitochondria and dietary factors that contribute..
Avoiding Antibiotics in Pediatric Practice, Part 2
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Continues the discussion from Part 1 on boosting childhood immunity and s..
Avoiding Antibiotics in Pediatric Practice, Part I
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Boosting childhood immunity and safely treating a variety of common childh..
Botanical Insights into Early Childhood Caries
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Early childhood caries is the most common chronic childhood diseases an..
Botanical Medicine for Infants and Toddlers
Speaker: Mary Bove. The role of herbal medicine in supporting the immune system, digestion and ..
Botanical Medicine for Mood Disorders in Children, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Mary Rondeau. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentations. Mood disorders i..
Botanical Options for Constipation in Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Persistent constipation can impact a child’s physical and psychosocial well..
Botanical Protocols for Acute Pediatric Fever
Speaker: Mary Bove. The therapeutic usefulness of fever is addressed, along with management goa..
Botanical Therapies for Childhood Asthma
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Currently there are over 6 million children in the USA suffering from asthma..
Botanical Therapies for Common Problems in Adolescent Girls
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Menstrual cramps, PMS, IBS, cystitis, migraines and depression are addres..
Botanicals for Childhood Obesity
Speaker: Mary Bove. Topics include environmental toxins, endocrine insult, diet and emotional i..
Botanicals for Minimizing Secretory Infections in Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical therapies for infections of the ear, the upper respiratory and ur..
Childhood Metabolic Disorders
Speaker: Mary Bove. Discussion includes therapies for childhood obesity, hypoglycemia, hypergyc..
Children's Health Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 94-page PDF of d..
Childrens Health:The Digestive/Immune Connections
Speaker: Mary Bove. A look at the role botanical medicines play in supporting healthy digestive..
Dermatitis in Children: Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Mary Bove. Causes of atopic dermatitis are addressed along with topical and systemic h..
Developing Childhood Immunity
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Vaccinations and vaccination alternatives are discussed. How to deci..
Differential Application of Botanical Immunomodulating Agents for Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanicals interact with the human immune system in a variety of ways, eli..
Early Childhood Development as a Basis for Mental Health
Speaker: Steven Johnson. In this course we review the neurological stages of development of the chil..
Environmental Chemicals and Childhood Disorders
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Research is presented which connects childhood brain cancers, autism,..
For the Family: Using EEG BioMarker Patterns to Guide Parenting and Relationship Strategies Including Botanicals Indicated for these Patterns
Speaker: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) The latest in EEG technology is being used more widely in f..
Gender Affirming Care for Adolescents: Botanical Allies for Transition
Speaker: Brianna Piché, ND, RH (AHG) Providing gender-affirming care for transgender teens..
Herbs and Pediatric Fever
Speaker: Brianna Piché, ND, IBCLC, FABNP, RH (AHG) We take a look at the physiology of fever, potent..
Keeping Kids Healthy
Speaker: Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) Children are filled with love and sticky fingers and ..
Keeping Kids Healthy: Botanicals that should be in your medicine cabinet and how to get kids to take them
Speaker Mary Rondeau. Children often suffer from diarrhea, vomiting, chronic mucous and coughs...
Managing Pediatric Respiratory Illness with Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Mary Bove. Presents a child's respiratory materia medica, which covers relevant research, a..
Natural Medicine for Childhood Asthma
Speaker: Mary Bove. Describes the atopic (allergic) child and how to control the cell-mediated ..
Neurodevelopmental Disorders in Children
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD. In this presentation, naturopathic physician Kenneth Proefrock..
PANDAS & PANS: Natural Medicine Rescue for Post-Infectious Autoimmune Encephalopathies
Speaker: Jill Crista, ND. Families dealing with PANDAS and PANS (Pediatric Acute-onset Neuropsychiat..
Pedatric Dermatology
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Discusses different kinds of dermatitis: atopic, allergic/contact, sebo..
Pediatric ADHD: Botanical Nootropics and Mood Support in Childhood and Adolescence
Speaker: Brianna Piché, ND, RH (AHG) We describe the signs, symptoms and diagnosis of ADHD..
Pediatric Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat Conditions
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Naturopathic physician, Mary Bove, reviews the role of herbal medicines..
Pediatrics and Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Covers common herbs used in children's health, including thei..
Pediatrics and Essential Oils
Speaker: Mary Bove. Aromatherapy is a safe and effective therapeutic option for infants and chi..
Raising a Family the Herbal Way: Herbal Alternatives to Pharmaceuticals for Children
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. Begins by describing herbal and natural methods for healthy p..
Strategies for Acute Illness in Children: Avoiding Pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD. Expanding the herbalist’s toolbox with nebulizers, eye d..
The Microbiome in Infants and Children: Maintaining Health and Wellness
Speaker: Mary Bove. The importance of a healthy microbiome is far-reaching, impacting developme..
Treatment of Childhood Nephrotic Syndrome with Chinese Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Yong Deng. This presentation covers the classical traditional Chinese medic..