Botanical Alternatives to Common Pharmaceuticals
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanical and other naturopathic alternatives to pharmaceuticals for pain, ..
Botanical Organ Remedies and Affinities
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The traditional nature cure philosophy of balancing organ pairs and ne..
Clinical Applications for Using 13 Heroic and Potentially Toxic Herbs
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH (AHG). Poisonous plants, when used in the proper, prescribed doses, can ac..
Commonly Misprescribed Drugs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Thiazide diuretics, anti-hypertensive drugs, acid blocking drugs, opioid..
Compliance in Finicky Adults and Kids
Speaker: Mary Bove. Compliance can be a major factor in the outcome of herbal therapies. I..
Continuum of Herbal Dosing
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Examines the use of herbal medicines from homeopathic and drop doses t..
Developing Effective Prescribing Strategies
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. This talk encourages the reconciliation of ancient traditions with ..
Dr. John Bastyr's Botanical Remedies, Part 1
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Part 1 discusses two favorite remedies from Dr. Bastyr for each category: al..
Dr. John Bastyr's Botanical Remedies, Part 2
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Continues the discussion from Part 1 of two favorite remedies from Dr. Basty..
Herbal Discussion
Speaker: Mary Bove. Join Herbalist Mary Bove in the herb garden with clinical pearls, formulations, ..
Key Points when Prescribing Probiotics in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Jason Hawrelak, ND. Over the last two decades, probiotic research has increased expo..
Little-known Physiological Facts that may Change your Practice of Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Little-known but well-established facts about human physiology are prese..
Medical Herbalism and the Therapeutic Order
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The therapeutic order in healing describes a hierarchy of interventions,..
Nature Cure and the Process of Healing
Speaker: Jared Zeff. A guide for the effective application of natural therapies: diet, hydrothe..
Panel: Complications of Herbal Prescribing
Panelists: Cascade Anderson Geller, David Hoffmann, Jill Stansbury and Roy Upton. Deciding on t..
Panel: Strategies for Herbal Prescribing
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Cascade Anderson Geller, Jill Stansbury and Michael Tierra. This panel..
Panel: Clinical Roundtable
Panelists: Kevin Spelman, Jason Miller and Teresa Boardwine. We invite practitioners atten..
Safe Use of Low-Dose Herbs
Speaker: Eric Yarnell. Review major low-dose herbs and how to prescribe them safely withcase st..
The Thomsonian Roots of Herbalism
Speaker: Mary Bove. The philosophy, therapeutics and herbal formulas of Samuel Thomson. I..
Tonics vs. Relaxants: The Forgotten Polarity of Physiomedical Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. The constitutional polarity of tonic/astringent vs relaxant is frequentl..
Vaporizer Technologies: Safety Considerations and a Mechanism for the Delivery of Botanical Medicines
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD The first commercially viable ‘e-cigarette’ ushered in a whole..