Speaker: Deborah Frances, ND. In this presentation we examine the spiritual gifts of several herbs combined with specific clinical applications for the treatment of PMS, dysmenorrhea, fibrocystic breasts, bacterial vaginosis, pelvic inflammatory disease, menorrhagia and symptoms associated with menopause. Emphasis is placed on the importance of liver herbs, adaptogens and pelvic decongestants, including Uncaria tomentosa, Nymphaea spp, Hypericum perforatum, Cimicifuga (Actea) racemose, Salvia officinalis, Viburnum opulus and Atropa belladonna.
Related product: The Article for this recording is available here: 2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Conference Book Download (PDF)
Also available in video (for purchase separately on Vimeo).
Continuing Education:
Naturopathic Physicians: This recording has been approved for 1.5 general CME credits by
- Oregon Board of Naturopathic Medicine (OBNM)
- Arizona SCNM (Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine)
Reclaiming the Sacred in Women’s Health: Plants as Allies for Physical, Emotional and Spiritual Healing
- Event: 2022 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine
- Product Code: 22SW08
- Availability: 1000
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