Herbal Tea
Herbal Tea Apothecary
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Water extracts are an easy and essential source of nut..
Herbal Teas: Creating Effective Formulas
Speaker: Cascade Anderson Geller. The art of tea making is described. This presentat..
Medicinal Tea Party
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez. A demonstration in the garden features how to brew spicy adjuvants, cre..
Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Take a look at the healing practice of simple herbal preparations for da..
The Benefits of Tea
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. Research on the cardiovascular, neurological and weight loss benefits..
The Simplicity of Herbal Simples
Speaker: Mary Bove. The simple act of making an herb tea is at the heart of the healing power o..