Hudson, Tori

Dr. Tori Hudson, Naturopathic Physician, graduated from the National University of Natural Medicine (NUNM) in 1984 and has served the college in several capacities, including: Medical Director, Associate Academic Dean, and Academic Dean. She is currently a clinical adjunct professor at NUNM), Southwest College of Naturopathic Medicine, Bastyr University and the Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine. Dr Hudson has been in practice for over 40 years, is the medical director of her clinic, “A Woman’s Time” in Portland, Oregon, co-owner and director of product research and education for VITANICA and the program director for the Institute of Women’s Health and Integrative Medicine. She is also the founder and co-director of NERC (Naturopathic Education and Research Consortium), a non-profit organization for accredited naturopathic residencies.
Dr. Hudson has been appointed as a faculty member of the Fellowship in Integrative Health and Medicine, Academy of Integrative Health & Medicine.
Dr. Hudson was awarded the 1990 President’s award from the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians for her research in women’s health, the 1999 prestigious Naturopathic Physician of the Year award, the 2003 NUNM Alumni Pioneer Award., the 2009 Natural Products Association Pioneer Award and in 2012 was inducted into the NUNM Hall of Fame. In 2016, she was the recipient of the annual Oregon Association of Naturopathic Physician’s “Living Legends” award.
In 2021 she received the 2020 American Botanical Council’s prestigious Fredi Kronenberg Excellence in Research and Education in Botanicals in Women’s Health Award for 2020.
She is a nationally recognized author (book: Women’s Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine second edition, McGraw Hill 2008) and the Menopause Companion (2023), speaker, educator, researcher, and clinician. Dr. Hudson serves on several editorial boards, advisory panels and as a consultant to the natural products industry. She also writes monthly columns and free lance articles for several publications.
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A Woman's Heart: Botanical Medicines for Prevention and Treatment
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Reviews prevalence of heart disease in women and preventive measures, whi..
Abnormal Uterine Bleeding: Causes and Integrative Solutions
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Special attention is given to abnormal bleeding due to perimenopause and..
Anxiety and Insomnia in Women: The Fearsome Twosome
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Generalized anxiety disorder and chronic insomnia in women are discu..
Botanical Medicines & Metabolic Issues in Midlife Women
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Hypothyroid, adrenal dysregulation, perimenopause, insulin resistance, we..
Botanical Research in Womens Health 2013
Speaker: Tori Hudson. A review of selected research studies in gynecology and primary care for ..
Botanical Research Update in Womens Health, 2005
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Tori Hudson's annual update on natural therapies for women includes a dis..
Botanical Research Update in Womens Health, 2012
Speaker: Tori Hudson. This lecture reviews recent research in botanical medicine applied to gyn..
Botanical Therapies for Common Problems in Adolescent Girls
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Menstrual cramps, PMS, IBS, cystitis, migraines and depression are addres..
Botanicals and other Naturopathic Therapies for Interstitial Cystitis
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Theories of causation, symptoms, diagnostics and therapeutic options are ..
Botanicals for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Includes a description of the clinical manifestations of PCOS, dietary ch..
Brain Aging in the Menopausal Woman: Effects on Moods, Memory and Botanical Solutions
Speaker: Tori Hudson, ND The aging brain in the perimenopausal and postmenopausal woman comes ..
Endometriosis: A Comprehensive Approach
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Dr. Hudson draws on case presentations and therapeutic protocols to asse..
Evaluation, Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Evaluation, Prevention and Treatment of Osteoporosis...
Herbs for the Brain: Migraines, Depression and Memory
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Using plants and nutraceuticals for the management of migraine headaches, mild..
Infections in Women: Vaginitis, Cervicitis and Genital Herpes
Speaker: Tori Hudson. These are common infections seen in women and well suited to being treated wit..
Intensive: Perimenopause/Menopause Options Part 1
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Research on nutrient and botanical interventions, hormone therapies and how/wh..
Intensive: Perimenopause/Menopause Options Part 2
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Continued from Part 1. Research on nutrient and botanical interventions, hormo..
Interstitial Cystitis: Botanical & Natural Therapies
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Epidemiology, pathophysiology, symptomatology, diagnostic criteria and clinica..
Lesser-Known Herbs for Womens Health Issues
Speaker: Tori HudsonT. Explore therapies that are not usually associated with women's health. Menopa..
Lesser-Known Traditional Botanicals for Womens Health
Speaker: Tori Hudson. A discussion of the traditional uses of lesser known botanicals including corn..
Mushroom Medicine in Women’s Health
Speaker: Tori Hudson, ND This presentation covers the history of medicinal mushrooms, the importance..
Nutritional and Botanical Influences on Breast Cancer Prevention
Speaker: Tori Hudson. This lecture looks at new research on select nutraceuticals, dietary hab..
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
Speaker: Tori Hudson. A comprehensive understanding of this complex endocrinological disorder i..
Problems in Primary Care for Women
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Research based nutritional and herbal therapies in the treatment of commo..
Resilience: The Role of Botanicals in Depression and Adaptation
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Resilience is the ability to cope with stress and adversity, and bounce b..
Women and Heart Disease
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Incidence and risk factors, physical exams available, prevention and inte..
Womens Health Botanical Update 2008
Speaker: Tori Hudson. A selective research update on important natural therapies in women's hea..
Womens Health Botanical Update, 2007
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Botanical research in women's health issues highlights new studies on bla..
Womens Health Botanical Update, 2010
Speaker: Tori Hudson. An overview of the year's botanical research: ginkgo for PMS: red yeast r..
Womens Health Botanical Update, 2011
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Highlights top botanical research related to gynecology and primary care ..
Womens Health: Migraines, Insomnia, Vaginitis
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Traditional and scientific evidence-based uses of natural medicines inclu..
Womens Health: Pelvic Pain, Vaginitis and Abnormal Bleeding
Speaker: Tori Hudson. Womens Health: Pelvic Pain, Vaginitis and Abnormal Bleeding..
Women's Health Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders eight recordings (each 1.5 hours long) plus 83-page PDF of digita..
Series: Clinical Management of Anxiety and Depression
Discount package: One click orders seven recordings plus 110-page PDF of digital notes. This se..
Series: Sleep Management for Clinicians
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus 62-page PDF of digital notes. These six ..