2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium
Anthraquinone Glycosides: A Practical Review
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. Anthraquinone glycosides such as aloin, emodin, and rhein have long..
Autoimmune Dietary Recovery Plan
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. We explore the dietary needs of a person in recovery from severe ill..
Beginner’s Guide to Making Tinctures
Speaker: Robin McGee. Making your own tinctures is fun, easy, empowering (and addictive)! Durin..
Botanicals and Nutrients for Chemotherapy-Neuropathy and Neuropathic Pain
Speaker: Donald Yance. Of the many side effects of drug treatments for cancer, chemotherapy-ind..
Challenges and Opportunities with Exotic Invasive Plants
Speaker: Marc Williams. This class describes plant family patterns and their applications..
Clinical Psychology Practice: Chronic Pain, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression, Part 1
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Research indicates that the causes of mental disorders can in..
Clinical Psychology Practice: Chronic Pain, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. Resear..
Clinical Psychology Practice: Chronic Pain, PTSD, Anxiety and Depression, Part 2
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. continued from Part 1. Research indicates that the causes of menta..
COPD and Women: How Herbs Can Help
Speaker: Mary Bove. COPD is actually a big issue in women’s health and rarely talked about. Thi..
Down the Rabbit Hole on the Medicine Trail
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In the course of medicine hunting around the globe, all manner of circum..
Encounters with The Shaman’s Pharmacy (Peru)
Speaker: Chris Kilham. Travelers who venture to the Ucayali region of Peru’s Amazon for ayahuas..
Energetics of Menses/Moon Time and PMS
Speaker: Kat Maier. This class looks at tissue states and energetic systems to gain a deeper un..
Environmental Impact on Sexual Development and Reproductive Ability
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. The impact of ubiquitous pollutants on sexual and reproductive health..
Finding Focus: Working with Adult ADD/ADHD
Speaker: CoreyPine Shane. Most commonly thought of as a problem in children, Attention Deficit ..
Foraging for Health – A Seasonal Approach
Speaker: Vickie Shufer. Follow the cycles of the plants through the seasons and discover which ..
Heart and Lung Sounds Herbal Remedies in the Eclectic Tradition
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The eclectic physicians and physiomedicalists used a stethoscope to..
Helping People Cope with Loss
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. How can we choose herbs, words and service to meet a wounded ..
Herbs and Nutrients for Enhancing Cognitive Function
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND. Oxidative stress and inflammatory load in the body can contribu..
Herbs to Lift the Spirits
Speaker: CoreyPine Shane. Using Chinese medicine theory, we can look at depression, melancholy ..
Hormonal Depression in Women
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Women are statistically much more likely to suffer from major..
Hysterectomies – Herbal Tools for Prevention or Recovery from Surgery
Speaker: Kat Maier. By the time women in the States reach 60 yrs of age, 1/3 will have lost the..
Inside/Outside Applications for Joint & Tissue Inflammation
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Learn simple remedies for aching joints and inflamed tissues. ..
Kratom: Clinical Applications for Opiate Withdrawal, Pain, Depression and Anxiety
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Mitragyna speciosa is a psychoactive plant grown in Southeast Asia,..
Medicinal Mushrooms in the Kitchen and Apothecary, Part 1
Speaker: Marc Williams. Learn how to incorporate our fungal allies into tasty therapeutic prepa..
Medicinal Mushrooms in the Kitchen and Apothecary, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Marc Williams. Once click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3.5-hour presentation. Learn how to ..
Medicinal Mushrooms in the Kitchen and Apothecary, Part 2
Speaker: Marc Williams. Continued from Part 1. Learn how to incorporate our fungal allies into tasty..
Mint Family: Digestion to Cognition. Rosemary to Oregano and Thyme
Speaker: Mary Bove. Medicinal uses of the classic herbs in the Mint/Lamiaceae family are descri..
Mycotoxins – The Health Effects of Mold and how to Diagnose and Treat
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Molds thrive on moisture and cellulose, both of which are abundant in..
Naturopathic Interventional Strategies for Seizure Disorders and other Neurological Conditions
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. We begin with a broad discussion of the types of seizure disorders ..
Panel Discussion: My New Favorite Herb
Panelists: Chris Kilham, CoreyPine Shane, and Teresa Boardwine. Three herbalists weigh in on an herb..
Panel Discussion: Staying Centered in a Stressful World
Panelists: Jillian Stansbury, Mary Bove and Kenneth Proefrock. We all know the signs of stress..
Pao Zhi- The Alchemy of Herbs
Speaker: David Winston. Alchemy is the process of taking something physical and liberating its ..
Preconception Care: Diet, Lifestyle Choices for Optimizing the Health and Vitality of the Child
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Conscious conception would include preconception care. In our current..
Synergy: The Key to Effective Herbal Practice
Speaker: David Winston. In all the world’s great herbal traditions, the use of single herbs (si..
The Bomoh’s Medicine (Malaysia)
Speaker: Chris Kilham. In traditional Malaysian medicine, healers are known as Bomohs. Utilizin..
The Role of Botanicals in Chemotherapy, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Part 1 is based on thirty years of clinical experience and the increasin..
The Role of Botanicals in Chemotherapy, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation.Part 1 is based on..
The Role of Botanicals in Chemotherapy, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. In Part 2, continued from Part 1 we go more deeply into details of tests..
The Solanaceae – A Bewitching Family
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. This richly visual presentation explores the fascinating depth and ..
What Type is your Headache? Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Mary Bove. A review of the various mechanisms behind the physiology of a headach..
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book.Order download of PDF..
2018 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium MP3 recordings includes these titles (each ..
Terpenoid Chemistry for Herbalists
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. An unforeseen consequence of the medical cannabis movement has been..