Products meeting the search criteria
About Face: Natural Approaches to Skin Conditions Primarily Affecting the Face
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG) and Arianna Rodriguez, ND We examine the differentiation, c..
Addiction Part A: Understanding Addiction
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP This workshop takes the participant on an overview o..
Addiction Part B: Treating Addiction
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP This workshop is most effective if you have particip..
Advanced Veterinary Nature Cure and Herbal Medicine for Cats and Dogs
Speaker: Bruce Ferguson. The general use of botanicals in veterinary practice is presented. &nb..
Aging and the Immune System: Using Botanical and Dietary Compounds for Immune Enhancement and Clearance of Senescent Cells to Combat Aging, Infection, and Chronic Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This presentation begins by defining immune senescence and ..
Atopic Phenomena: Allergies, Asthma and Eczema
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Herbal protocols for allergies, asthma, eczema, hay fever and hives in..
Bitters as Therapeutic Tonics (Demonstration)
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Learn to create bitter tonics for systemic health issues. B..
Botanical Interventions for Degenerative Neurological Diseases
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. The long-term impact of environmental toxicity and aging are descri..
Botanical Interventions for Hyperreactive Immune Systems
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Discussion of the complement cascade and its function in immunity: ..
Botanical Solutions for Brain Aging in Menopausal Women
Speaker: Andrea Purcell, ND. The aging brain in perimenopausal and postmenopausal women comes with m..
Botanical Treatment of Inflammatory Conditions of the GI Tract
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Discussion of precipitating factors, the "leaky gut connection," ..
Botanicals for Frailty in Elders
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND Frailty, or a decline in age-specific fitness, affects some elders and ..
Botanicals for Respiratory Pathologies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A thorough discussion of some of the most common respiratory patho..
Case Studies in Clinical Herbalism
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. Review of three cases: osteoarthritis and hip replacement: asthma an..
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Botanical Therapies, Part 1
Speaker: Deborah Frances. This part of the two part lecture deals with psychological issues; bo..
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: Botanical Therapies, Part 2
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Continued from Part 1, Part 2 covers digestive function and support; probi..
Connective Tissue Disorders and Aging
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Therapies for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, weak muscles, bursitis ..
Daily Tonics: Recipes for Life and Longevity
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury. This presentation aims to inspire participants to prepare teas, smo..
Differential Application of Botanical Immunomodulating Agents for Children
Speaker: Mary Bove. Botanicals interact with the human immune system in a variety of ways, eli..
Environmental Chemicals and Childhood Disorders
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. Research is presented which connects childhood brain cancers, autism,..
Speaker: Todd Elliott. A photographic exploration of the fungi found on six continents and thei..
Fascia and Physical Reality: Sensory Integration, Pleasure, Pain and Psychology (covers pain syndromes of fibromyalgia, CRPS and arthritis)
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Here we take our lead from Ida Rolf and discuss the far-reaching wa..
Finding Balance: Herbs and Treatments to Nurture Yin
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG This session will explore herbs that tonify yin, the ..
Foraged Foods as Medicine: From Garden Weeds to Table (Demonstration)
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) As we forage for food from our gardens and forest edg..
Geriatric Medicine: Exploring Longevity with Herbs
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. This presentation discusses the rejuvenation of the endocrine system (i..
Ginseng: Taxonomy, Medicinal Uses and Product Adulteration
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. The ABC-AHP-NCNPR Botanical Adulterants Program recently came out wit..
Glutamine/Glutamate Dysfunction and Common Neurological Conditions
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND Glutamate dysfunction is noted to contribute to neurologic..
Healthy Aging: Research Summary on Prevention of Musculoskeletal Degeneration, Memory Loss and Other Conditions of Aging
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs, PhD, LAc. Science review includes latest clinical trials, meta-anal..
Herbal and Nutritional Gastroenterology, Pt 1
Speaker: David Winston. Digestion, absorption and elimination are truly the foundation of health. Th..
Herbal Dependence on the Gut Flora
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG) Animals have evolved with gut floras, and over many mi..
Herbal Gastroenterology
Speaker: David Winston. Digestion and absorption are the foundation of health. What you eat is vital..
Herbal Medicines and the Gastrointestinal Microbiota: Herbs that Nurture and Herbs that Kill
Speaker: Jason Hawrelak, ND Research demonstrating the vital importance of the gastrointestina..
Herbs for Restoring Gut Mucosal Health and Function
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Restoration of the gut mucosa and intestinal barrier with botanicals ca..
High Mineral Herbs for the Connective Tissue: Review, Reminders and Recipes
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Many plants contain valuable organic mineral complexes, although they are n..
Humoral and Energetic Differentials for Gastrointestinal (GI) Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Herbal medicines used for the digestive tract have, in the terminology o..
Improving Neuroplasticity and Mental Adaptability with Botanical Medicine and Physical Activity
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Mental health can be improved throughout life by adopting ..
Integration of Herbal Medicine with the World's Religions
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Explores the role that herbal medicine and the plants have played in tr..
It Hurts to Move: Herbal and CAM Treatment of Back Pain and Fibromyalgia
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Chronic back pain is very common, it is the leading caus..
Key Points when Prescribing Probiotics in Clinical Practice
Speaker: Jason Hawrelak, ND. Over the last two decades, probiotic research has increased expo..
Little-known Physiological Facts that may Change your Practice of Herbalism
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Little-known but well-established facts about human physiology are prese..
Managing Gastric Reflux Disease with Botanicals
Speaker: David Hoffmann. Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a fairly common condition affecti..
Managing Surgery with Botanicals: When, how, why and why not to do surgery, with special reference to cancer
Speaker: Chanchal Cabrera. More than 234 million surgical procedures are performed annually wor..
Mast Cells – Their Role in Health and Disease and Botanical Affectors
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND Mast cells are renowned contributors to hypersensitivity reactio..
Neurological and Cognitive Decline, Part 1
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM. This intensive explores neurological disorders such as Alzheimer’s..
Neurological and Cognitive Decline, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM. One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 4-hour presentation. ..
Neurological and Cognitive Decline, Part 2
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM. Continued from Part 1. This intensive explores neurological disord..
Panel: Prevention of Cognitive Decline as we Age
Panelists: Chanchal Cabrera, FNIMH, RH (AHG); Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG; and Jillian Sta..
Panel: Reducing Medication Prescriptions and Side Effects in our Elders
Panelists: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD, Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) Polypha..
Pessaries: Feminine Healing for Shining the Light and Mending the Tissues
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine. Learn how to make many different vaginal suppositories depending on ..
Preserving GI Health During Cancer Care
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND. This presentation will review radiation treatments and chemothera..
Psilocybin Mushrooms in Clinical Practice
Speakers: Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AAC Psilocybin mushrooms have ..
Rebuilding Damaged Intestinal Walls and Treating Gut Permeability with Botanical Medicines
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. When the permeability of the gut walls is altered, numerous systemic h..
Senescence, Senolytics, and Aging
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Senescent cells play a key role in the aging process and in age-related ..
Targeting VEGF (Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor): A Main Driver in Cancer Angiogenesis and Growth
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This lecture investigates the latest research into Vascular Endo..
Testosterone and Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG). The evidence for whether or not herbs can raise test..
The Calcium Paradox: Friend or Enemy?
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) In this presentation we go deeply into the current biomedical re..
The Gastrointestinal Tract as a Central Axis to Health
Speaker: Kevin Spelman. The gut is described as a modulator of sensory and metabolic acti..
The Problem of Proton Pump Inhibitors for GERD and their Alternatives
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The PPIs and other acid-blocking drugs are commonly prescribed but the..
The Role of Bitter Herbs for a Healthy Microbiome
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND. Bitter herbs and the bitter action are central to herbal medicine and t..
Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 1
Speaker: Mary Bove. This comprehensive two part lecture begins with an explanation of the..
Treating Inflammation with Botanical Medicines, Part 2
Speaker: Mary Bove. Continued from Part 1 this comprehensive two part lecture begins with..
Understanding Biological Aging and Diversity, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH(AHG). Increased life expectancy and a larger number of older peo..
Understanding Biological Aging and Diversity, Part 1 and Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH(AHG). One click orders parts 1 and 2 of this 3-hour presentation. Inc..
Understanding Biological Aging and Diversity, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance, RH(AHG). Continued from Part 1. Experts now suggest a second path f..
Upper GI Disorders: Esophagitis, GERD/heartburn, Gastritis and Peptic Ulcer
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND. About 20% of the population is affected by at least one conditi..
Wild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)
Speaker: Vickie Shufer, MS Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berrie..
Working with PTSD Patients
Speaker: Katie Stage. Post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) affects up to 8% of the population ..
"I'm Not Sick…It's Allergies!" Natural Treatments for Allergic Conditions
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG Allergies are common, affecting at least 7% of p..
Allergies and Asthma Audio Series
Discount package: One-click orders six recordings (1.5 hours long) plus 66-page PDF of digital notes..
Series: Gastrointestinal Health
Discount package: One click orders nine recordings plus 137-page PDF of digital notes. These ni..
Series: Pain and Inflammation
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings plus PDF of digital notes. This series includes..