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2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Conference Book Download (PDF)
2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Digital Conference BookOrder a download of a PDF file ..
2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of 2023 Medicines from the Earth Herb Symposium Audio Recordings23 MP3 recordings includes ..
2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine: Full Set MP3 Recordings Download
Full Set of 2023 Southwest Conference on Botanical Medicine Audio Recordings 23..
40 Years of HerbalGram: Working to Ensure Accurate Herb Information and Authentic and Sustainably-Sourced Herbs
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal We congratulate Mark Blumenthal on the 35th anniversary of the nonprof..
African American Herbalism: A Practical Class on Healing Plants and Folk Traditions
Speaker: Lucretia VanDyke, Herbalist and Author This lecture provides a deeper look into ..
Aging and the Immune System: Using Botanical and Dietary Compounds for Immune Enhancement and Clearance of Senescent Cells to Combat Aging, Infection, and Chronic Disease
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This presentation begins by defining immune senescence and ..
Appalachian Herbal Tonics
Speaker: Rebecca Beyer, Herbalist What do vinegar, spicebush and sassafras all have in co..
As Part of a Whole: Insecurity as Physical Indication
Speaker: Renée Camila, Herbalist From a holistic perspective, most imbalances have an emotional root..
Asbestosis and Bronchogenic Carcinoma: Botanical Therapies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. Features a botanical formula which has been shown to be effective in re..
Botanical Analogs for At-Risk Medicinals
Speaker: Kat Maier, RH (AHG) United Plant Savers (UpS) has created the invaluable “At-Ris..
Botanical Approaches to Hypothyroidism
Speaker: Deborah Frances. Begins by describing common symptoms and syndromes associated w..
Botanical Considerations for Lung Cancer
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Begins by describing theories for treatment of cancer. Regula..
Botanical Considerations in the Treatment of Breast and Prostate Cancer
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Breast and prostate cancers occur in tissues that have a greater se..
Botanical Organ Remedies and Affinities
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. The traditional nature cure philosophy of balancing organ pairs and ne..
Botanical Regulation of Detoxification
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Describes the detoxification mechanisms of the body, including Phas..
Botanical Therapies for Dysfunctional Uterine Bleeding (DUB)
Speaker: Amanda McQuade Crawford. Begins by describing the definition, diagnosis, symptoms and ..
Botanical Treatment for Today's Infectious Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Anti-viral herbs for influenza including herbs for children and botanic..
Botanicals for Aromatase Excess Syndrome
Speaker: Donald Yance. Aromatase excess syndrome (AES) is a common age-related problem affecti..
Botanicals for Healthy Sexual Function
Speaker: Deborah Frances. This talk covers a variety of topics including enhancing sexual ..
Botanicals for Regulating the Inflammatory Cascade
Speaker: Jason Miller. This lecture will highlight some of the world’s most powerful botanical ..
Botanicals for Respiratory Pathologies
Speaker: Bill Mitchell. A thorough discussion of some of the most common respiratory patho..
Botanicals that Provide Most of the Chemotherapeutic Drugs in Cancer Care
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) 65% of chemotherapeutic agents either come from a pla..
Botanicals, Biofilms and Chronic Infections
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Bacteria responsible for hard-to-treat chronic conditions often exist i..
Bringing Down the Numbers – The Herbal/Nutritional Treatment of Hypercholesterolemia and Hypertension
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Heart diseases (CVDs) are the leading cause of death in the in..
Case Studies in the Naturopathic Treatment of Neurodegenerative Conditions
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Several case studies in a variety of neurodegenerative con..
Clinical Applications of Medicinal Mushrooms with Synergistic Botanicals
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO This session reviews some of the latest findings on medicina..
Common Botanical Agents that Alleviate Daily Toxicant Damage
Speaker: Walter Crinnion. The daily toxicant burden is overwhelming, yet daily intake of common..
Comparative Materia Medica for the Bitter Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist The category of bitter herbs has formed the bedro..
Creating an Herbal Day Spa at Home
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Finding time for self-care has become an achievable go..
Detoxification with Botanicals: A Systems Approach
Speaker: Dana Myatt. This lecture discusses the detoxification systems of the body: lungs, skin..
Distress, Anxiety and Depression: A Botanically-Based Approach
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO Is “stress” a misnomer for anxiety and depression? The ..
Epigenetics and Mental Health
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Investigates the impact that early life events have on full grown a..
Finding Flow in the Lymphatics
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO The lymphatic system is a bit of an unsung hero in the body:..
Foraged Foods as Medicine: From Garden Weeds to Table (Demonstration)
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) As we forage for food from our gardens and forest edg..
From Papaver to Fentanyl: How We Got Here and How Herbs Can Help
Speaker: Lydia Bartholow, DNP, PMHNP This workshop follows the public health crisis of opioids ..
Functional Genetic Mutations and Herbal/Dietary Therapies to Mitigate their Effects
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock. Supportive botanical therapies for those with cystic fibrosis, auti..
Glutamine/Glutamate Dysfunction and Common Neurological Conditions
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND Glutamate dysfunction is noted to contribute to neurologic..
Going Platinum: Chemotherapy and Botanicals
Speaker: Jonathan Treasure. Platinum-based chemotherapy agents remain a standard of care in tre..
Gonadotropins and Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Jill Stansbury. Gonadotropins are proteins released from the pituitary which ac..
Herbal Skin Care Preparations (Demonstration)
Speaker: Lucretia VanDyke, Herbalist and Author In this class we will span the globe for ..
Herban Legends and Clinical Pearls in the Female Reproductive Materia Medica
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist An Herban Legend is a persistent, widely and fir..
Herbs of Joy: A Virtual Guided Plant Show and Preparations Demonstration
Speaker: JoAnn Sanchez Enjoy a virtual guided plant show and preparations demonstration in the SCNM ..
History and Clinical Uses of Eupatorium perfoliatum and Asclepias tuberosa
Speaker: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist In the 1790s, some younger doctors of the Regular..
Holistic Treatment of Rhinosinusitis
Speakers: Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AAC Rhinosinusitis refers to i..
How to Put the Brakes on the Runs: Approaches to Finding the Root Cause and Treatment of Persistent Diarrhea
Speaker: Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG This session describes the workup for malabsorption s..
Intensive: Botanical Influences on Cell Membranes
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND "Cell biology is inextricably linked with genetics, pathology, e..
Intensive: Management of Complex Chronic Disease: Combining Traditional Chinese Medicine Concepts with Modern Biomedical Analysis
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc As a Doctor of Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine and an advance..
Intensive: Natural Treatment of Prostate Conditions: Blending Western Herbal Practice, Traditional Chinese Medicine, and Pharmacy
Speaker: Eric Yarnell, ND, RH (AHG) Prostate problems are extremely common and highly ame..
Intensive: Optimizing Physical Performance and Recovery with Botanicals
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) This intensive gives us wide-ranging insights into th..
It Hurts to Move: Herbal and CAM Treatment of Back Pain and Fibromyalgia
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) Chronic back pain is very common, it is the leading caus..
Keynote Address: Inspired by Herbs: The Herbal Journey of a Modern Day Herbalist
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND "At a young age I heard a calling and felt a bond with plants, particul..
Keynote Address: Plants, People and Places, A Web of Life
Speaker: Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter In the world of medicinal plants, or herbs, the plants t..
Little Known Medicines of the Southern Forests and Fields
Speaker: David Winston, RH (AHG) The Southeastern US is one of the most botanically diver..
Lobelia: A Classic Respiratory Herb Matures into the Modern Era
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND Lobelia is classic folkloric herb that continues to be exp..
Mast Cells – Their Role in Health and Disease and Botanical Affectors
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND Mast cells are renowned contributors to hypersensitivity reactio..
Medicinal Mushrooms in Oncology: Everything You Need to Know About Mushrooms and Cancer
Speaker: Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) The preparation, dosages, and active compounds of five mushrooms..
Nature Cure and the Process of Healing
Speaker: Jared Zeff. A guide for the effective application of natural therapies: diet, hydrothe..
Naturopathic Considerations for Musculoskeletal Pain
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Physical pain is the most common reason for patients to seek medical..
Naturopathic Considerations for Nerve Injury and Repair
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD This presentation takes a deep dive into the process of m..
New Drugs in Cancer and Synergistic Natural Medicines, Part 1
Speaker: Donald Yance. Describes targeted molecular pathways in cancer, such as EGFR, HER2/neu,..
New Drugs in Cancer and Synergistic Natural Medicines, Part 2
Speaker: Donald Yance. Part 2 continues describing targeted molecular pathways in cancer, such ..
Nutritional and Botanical Influences on Breast Cancer Prevention
Speaker: Tori Hudson. This lecture looks at new research on select nutraceuticals, dietary hab..
Panel Discussion: Botanical Therapies for Recovery from Myocardial Infarction (MI)
Speakers: Lise Alschuler, ND, FABNO; Kenneth Proefrock, NMD; and Jillian Stansbury, ND A m..
Panel Discussion: Hypercholesterolemia: Comparing Efficacy and Side Effects of Pharmaceuticals and Botanicals
Speakers: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc; Jillian Stansbury, ND; and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) ..
Panel Discussion: Immunotherapy in Cancer Treatment: Is there a Role for Botanicals?
Panelists: Christopher Hobbs, Chanchal Cabrera and Roy Upton. Immunotherapy has recently becom..
Panel Discussion: Management of Hepatitis C with Botanical Therapies
Panelists: Paul Bergner, Deborah Frances, David Winston and Jillian Stansbu..
Panel Discussion: Mild Cognitive Impairment: Can it be Halted or Reversed?
Speaker: Lise Alschuler, ND, Kenneth Proefrock, NMD and Katie Stage, ND, RH (AHG), FABNG As our..
Panel Discussion: Prevention of Viral Infections: Building Immunity with Botanicals
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist; Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AA..
Panel Discussion: The Challenges of Climate Change in Clinical Practice
Speakers: Kat Maier, RH (AHG); Kenneth Proefrock, NMD; and Lucretia VanDyke, Herbalist and Auth..
Panel: Botanicals and Immunotherapy in Cancer Therapeutics
Panelists: Jason Miller, Kenneth Proefrock, and Donald Yance. This presentation begins with a d..
Panel: Self Care: One of the Most Challenging and Rewarding Aspects of Patient (and our own) Health
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND, Kat Maier, RH (AHG) and Donald Yance, CN, RH (AHG) All practitioners an..
Parasites: The Devil Inside
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Parasitic infections pose significant health challenges g..
Peru’s Sacred Plant Boom and Sustainability
Speaker: Chris Kilham, Medicine Hunter Since 2004 or so, Peru has experienced a significant inc..
Preventing Adulterants in Our Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Mark Blumenthal. In this lecture, Mark describes the sources of botanical adulterants ..
Psilocybin Mushrooms in Clinical Practice
Speakers: Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AAC Psilocybin mushrooms have ..
Senescence, Senolytics, and Aging
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Senescent cells play a key role in the aging process and in age-related ..
Simplicity of Simples in Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND Take a look at the healing practice of simple herbal preparations for da..
Supporting Cancer Patients with Chinese Medicines
Speaker: Roy Upton. A general treatment plan for cancer from the traditional Chinese medical mo..
The 4 Horsemen of Chronic Disease: Assessing and Managing the Complicated Case, Part 1: Stress and Chronic Infection
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc Chronic diseases are responsible for a majority of morta..
The 4 Horsemen of Chronic Disease: Assessing and Managing the Complicated Case, Part 2: Environmental Toxins and Nutrient Deficiency
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc In Part 2 of this two-part series, we explore the interc..
The Dementia Epidemic: Evolution, Causes and the Role of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc In recent years, technological advances have increased h..
The TCM Essence / Modern Genetics Parallel: From Congenital to Post-Congenital / From Digital to Analog
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc The “digital” makeup of our genes is affected by complex ..
Thought Disorders – A Survey of the Safety of Botanical Medicines in Schizophrenia
Speaker: Jillian Stansbury, ND There are no licensed drugs for those at risk for psychosis due ..
Thyroid Health: Zeroing in on Two Common Thyroid Conditions
Speaker: Mary Bove, ND The thyroid gland plays a major role in health and well-being from..
Tree Medicine: Sentient Beings and Allies for Life
Speaker: Teresa Boardwine, RH (AHG) Learn how to build a relationship with trees as allie..
Tropane Alkaloids: From the History of Pharmacy to the Modern Practice of Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD A recent foray into the desert to wildcraft Datura led Kenneth ..
Using Flower Essences as Adaptogens
Speaker: Rhonda PallasDowney. How and when to use essences of Aspen, Crab Apple, Oak, Olive, Wa..
We Are Stardust: Trace Elements as Foundational Building Blocks of Health
Speaker: Kat Maier, RH (AHG) NASA has confirmed what indigenous creation stories have said for ..
Why Using Sustainably Sourced Herbs Matters and How to Find Them
Speaker: Ann Armbrecht, PhD What do you know about where the herbs in the herbal products you b..
Wild Fruits of the Fields and Forests (Demonstration)
Speaker: Vickie Shufer, MS Fruits are the seed-bearing parts of plants and include berrie..
Series: Cannabis Therapeutics
Discount package: One click orders six recordings plus PDF of digital notes.This series includes the..
Series: Pain and Inflammation
Discount package: One click orders eight recordings plus PDF of digital notes. This series includes..