Products meeting the search criteria
Acute Viral Respiratory Infection: Prevention and Therapeutics
Speaker: Paul Bergner. A presentation of nutritional and herbal considerations for epidemic respirat..
Antiviral Plants Indigenous to North America
Speaker: Michael Moore. Includes a description of the actions of Ailanthus altissima, Amorpha f..
Avoiding Antibiotics in Pediatric Practice, Part 2
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Continues the discussion from Part 1 on boosting childhood immunity and s..
Avoiding Antibiotics in Pediatric Practice, Part I
Speaker: Aviva Romm. Boosting childhood immunity and safely treating a variety of common childh..
Biofilms and Botanical Medicine
Speaker: Sam Coffman. The discovery of biofilms has opened a new frontier in understanding the ..
Botanical Treatment for Difficult to Treat Fungal Infections
Speaker: Heath McAllister, ND, RH (AHG). A host of conditions are caused by fungal infections, ..
Botanical Treatment for Today's Infectious Diseases
Speaker: David Winston. Anti-viral herbs for influenza including herbs for children and botanic..
Botanicals, Biofilms and Chronic Infections
Speaker: Paul Bergner. Bacteria responsible for hard-to-treat chronic conditions often exist i..
COVID-19, Acute and Chronic Considerations in Naturopathic Patient Management
Speaker: Kenneth Proefrock, NMD Experience has shown us that this virus primarily affects the lungs,..
Herbal Approaches to Sinus Infections
Speaker: Roy Upton. Herbal Approaches to Sinus Infections..
Panel Discussion: Botanical and other Naturopathic Therapies for Managing Multiple Drug Resistant Infections
Panelists: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc, Mary Rondeau, ND, RH (AHG) and Jillian Stansbury, ND Multi..
Panel Discussion: Prevention of Viral Infections: Building Immunity with Botanicals
Speakers: Paul Bergner, Medical Herbalist; Todd Caldecott, Dip, CI.H., RH (AHG), CAP (NAMA), AA..
Principal Plants for Herbal First Aid
Speaker: 7Song This class will cover some common and useful plants for various types of first ..
The 4 Horsemen of Chronic Disease: Assessing and Managing the Complicated Case, Part 1: Stress and Chronic Infection
Speaker: Jason Miller, DACM, LAc Chronic diseases are responsible for a majority of morta..
The Antiviral Materia Medica
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Medicinal plants may affect viral infections in humans in three general wa..
Topical Antifungal Therapeutics with Western Herbs
Speaker: Paul Bergner, CN Plants have engaged in an “arms race” with fungi for many millions of year..
Treating Infections with Natural Medicine, Part 1: TCM Pulse and Tongue Diagnosis
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. The bulk of this lecture describes Traditional Chinese Medicine pul..
Treating Infections with Natural Medicine, Part 2
Speaker: Christopher Hobbs. Part 2 continues with a further explanation of pulse and tongue diagnosi..
Treatment of Bacterial MDR (MRSA, VRE) with Botanical Therapies
Speaker: David Winston. MRSA and other antibiotic resistant infections have become a major heal..